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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
1. This appeal arises from the judgment of the High Court in whichthe court a quoordered the appellant to pay the respondent the sum of US$89 000 with interest at the prescribed rate calculated from 11 December 2012 to the date of full payment. More

The undisputed facts of this matter are that on the 31st January 2014, the Sheriff of Zimbabwe conducted a public auction for the sale of Stand 105 Emerald Hill Township 2 of Stand 26B Emerald Hill Township measuring 2050 square metres held under Deed of Transfer 4370/96 commonly known as Stand 105 Goodall Close, Emerald Hill, Harare. The sale was conducted in terms of the rules of this Honourable Court and was pursuant to a court order obtained by Ordecco (Pvt) Ltd against one David Govere under case number HC 9257/12 and judgment number HH-179/13. At the public auction Applicant... More

This is an opposed urgent chamber application for interlocutory relief pending the disposition of the appeal in SC 269/21, in terms of r 39 (1) as read with r 73 of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 as further read with r 244 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The appeal goes to the root of proceedings pending before the first respondent, a Regional Magistrate. In short the applicants are seeking an order staying proceedings before the first respondent, pending finalisation of the appeal under SC 269/21. On 10 November 2021, I gave an order staying the proceedings. The reasons for... More

This is an application for review of the first respondent’s decision dismissing the applicants’ exception in a criminal trial. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Magistrates Court sitting at Chiredzi wherein it grantedan application for an interdict against the appellant in the following terms: - “The application is hereby granted and it is hereby ordered as follows; 1. 2nd respondent whether through agents, employees or representatives are hereby ordered to stop forthwith from accessing Stand Number 4549, Chiredzi Township for purposes of any other business incidental thereto. 2. Each party to bear its own costs.” More

KABASA J: This is an Urgent Chamber Application wherein the applicant seeks the following relief:- “1. The 2nd respondent and all persons claiming occupation through it shall remove or cause the removal of themselves and all such persons occupying the mining claim being Valentine 56 held under registration number GA 2786. 2. Failing such removal, the Sheriff of this Honourable Court be and is hereby authorised and directed to evict the 2nd respondent and all persons claiming through and under them from the mining claim being Valentine 56 held under registration number GA 2786. 3. The 3rd respondent be and... More

KABASA J: This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant seeks the following relief: - “1. The 1st respondents (sic) and all persons claiming through and under him shall remove, or cause the removal of themselves and all such persons occupying certain piece of land being subdivision 12 of Lot 15 of Nuanetsi Ranch A in Mwenezi District of Masvingo within 24 hours of the service of this order. 2. Failing such removal, the Sheriff of this Honourable Court be and is hereby authorized and directed to evict the 1st respondent and all persons claiming through and under... More