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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant seeks condonation for the late filing of leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. It also seeks the leave to appeal. It is a composite application. It is slung on one founding affidavit, one set of supporting documents and one draft order. The respondent opposes the application. It has raised a number of technical objections. More

The employer contends that it failed to file its heads of argument because of lockdown restrictions and because of administration glitchesat their offices. It contends further that it has a good case on the merits. This is so given the fact that it intends to have the Supreme Court determine the issue of currency conversion which it considers a question of law and only the domain of the Supreme Court for its resolution. More

This is an appeal against refusal of bail by the High Court handed down on 21 January 2021. The appeal is made in terms of rule 67 (1) of the Supreme Rules, 2018 (the rules) as read with s 121(1)(b) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07] (the CPEA). More

This is an application for the review of the decision of the respondent Council to reverse a resolution which had resulted in the applicant employee’s reinstatement following a labour dispute between the 2 parties. The basis for review is two fold. It is argued that the employer’s conduct of reversing the reinstatement resolution it had passed on the employee’s case was an illegal act as it went contrary to the provisions of Sec 12(3) of the Labour Act. Secondly it is argued that the employer lacked jurisdiction to rescind its previous decision to reinstate because it did not possess the... More

Aggrieved by the magistrates Court’s refusal to admit him to bail pending trial, the appellant has sought that decision reversed. The appeal is made in terms of s 121 (1) of the terms of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:23] (“the CPEA”) as read with r 6 (1) of the High Court of Zimbabwe Bail Rules, 1971. More

Law is not a static discipline. It moves and changes in accordance with a given society’s stage of development. It changes in such a way that what society regarded as lawful yesterday may not be lawful on the following day and vice versa. Its movement and changes are not without reason. They assist people in whose society the changes and movements occur to resolve disputes which arise between, and amongst, them with a certain degree of clarity. They are, therefore, a dispute-resolving mechanism which society puts into place from time to time for the good of its own members. More

This is an application for the late noting of an appeal and late filing of an application for review. The application arises from disciplinary proceedings which led to the applicant’s dismissal from employment on 18 March 2020. More