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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
MABHIKWA J: This is an application for the rescission of a judgment. She seeks the following order that: 1. The order granted under HC 2882.18 be and is hereby rescinded. 2. The applicant be and is hereby ordered to apply for the setting down of the matter within seven (7) days from the granting of this order. 3. Costs of suit to be paid by 2nd respondent on an attorney and client scale. The background facts of this matter are briefly as follows: Under case number HC930/14 the applicantowed 2nd respondent the sum of US$33 007,25. Judgment was obtained. A... More

The applicant and the respondent entered into a fixed term contract of employment which the respondent terminated before the expiry of the fixed term. The applicant filed this application for a declaratur on the basis that clause 3.2 of that contract only allowed the employee but not the employer to terminate on notice. More

This matter raises the fundamental issue of whether or not a Labour Court judgment denominated in United States Dollars is capable of registration by this court. More

The defendants filed a special plea to the plaintiff’s summons as amplified in the plaintiff’s declaration. According to the plaintiff’s declaration the plaintiff is has been a long standing member of the Movement for Democratic Change, (MDC) one of Zimbabwe’s leading opposition party. The defendants are members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He alleged that as a result of his affiliation with the MDC, he has over the years been subjected to harassment and torture by fellow members in his community who are active members of the Ruling Party Zanu PF. As a result on 7 August 2018 the plaintiff’s... More

For purposes of this judgment, the parties shall be referred to as the applicants and respondents as cited in HC694/20, HC1689/20 and HC10007/19. I have made the decision to write an omnibus judgment in all four matters More

MOYO J: Plaintiff issued summons claiming:- a) an order declaring agreements of sale by plaintiffs to 1st defendant of shares 20 and 21 Ascot Mews, Bulawayo, to be null and void ab initio and of no force or effect whatsoever. b) An order directing the 1st defendant or those who occupy through him to vacate shares 20 and 21 Ascot Mews, Bulawayo. c) An order directing 1st defendant to pay occupational rental for share 20 and share 21 Ascot Mews Bulawayo of US 2000-00 monthly (or its ZWL equivalent) calculated from 1 April 2018 to 31 July 2019. d) An... More

The applicant applies to be admitted to bail pending trial. He is facing charges of robbery committed in aggravating circumstances as defined in s 126(1)(a)(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] on which he was remanded in custody by the magistrate at Harare on 25 November, 2020. The applicant was co-charged with accomplices Mbonisi Ndlovu and Alex Mathew Murira. Mbonisi Ndlovu who were admitted to bail by CHINAMORA J on 15 February, 2021. More