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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the award by honourable arbitrator Gurupira handed down on 27 October 2014.The Claimant was employed by the respondent as a General Manager Administration and statistics. He was employed from June 2006 to June 2013 when his contract was terminated. The arbitrator noted that there was no contract but from the payslip, he noted that he was entitled to a basic salary, club/gym allowance and a car benefit, and a 10% commission as per a memo communicated on 20 December 2010. A fuel allowance was also due and there was evidence that it had been cut... More

On 7 October 2020 the High Court handed down judgment in an application made by the first and third respondents in terms of r359(8) of the High Court Rules, 1971. It set aside the Sheriff’s sale of a property known as lot 8 Brooke Estate, Harare,in execution of a judgment in favour of Standard Chartered Bank Limited and granted the first, second and third respondents three months to either satisfy the judgment debt or find another purchaser willing to pay more than USD260 000.00 for the same property. More

This is an application for review of the proceedings of the Health Services Board held on the 27th March 2020. The applicant was employed by the Government of Zimbabwe as a medical practitioner and was stationed at Chitungwiza Central Hospital. He was involved in act of misconduct and was charged and tried in terms of the Labour National Employment Code S. I. 15 of 2006. At the trial before the Board the applicant did not object to the application of this Code. In this application he is challenging its application. The challenge is on the ground that the applicant is... More

This judgment covers two urgent applications. The parties are the same. I shall refer to the first application as “the application.” In opposing the application, the respondent raised a counter-application, (hereinafter referred to as “the counter-application.) For convenience, the citation of the parties shall remain the same in both the application and counter-application. I will deal with the application and counter-application separately in this judgment. Both applications are fiercely contested. More

This is an application filed on urgency by a self-actor seeking an order in the following terms; “INTERIM RELIEF: a) An order barring and interdicting the respondents from disturbing or interfering with the applicant’s right to prospect minerals at Queensdale Farm in Kadoma. b) An order directing the respondents to observe peace at the applicant and its assignees. TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT 1. It is hereby declared that the actions by the 1st respondent to disturb applicant from exercising its right to prospect and search for minerals at Queensdale in Kadoma is hereby declared unlawful. 2. 1st respondent to... More

This is an opposed urgent chamber application in which the first and second applicants seek the following relief: IT IS ORDERD THAT: 1. The respondent and all those claiming occupation through him be and are hereby ordered to restore vacant possession of the mining location being a position of Queensdale Farm measuring 9 hectares with the following co-ordinates: 199925; 7958476; B0200125; 7958914; C0200278; 7958822; D0200115; 7958045; DP0200045; 7958510 to the applicants upon service of this order. 2. Respondent shall pay costs of suit More

MOYO J: This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicants seek an order for spoliation wherein it is alleged that they were despoiled by the respondents. In specific terms applicants seek an order restoring to them possession of 103 Robert Mugabe Way in Bulawayo. The facts of the matter are that the applicants were in occupation of the property being the subject matter of this dispute. Litigation was commenced in the Magistrates’ Court for the eviction of the applicants by the 1st respondent. The applicants noted an appeal against the decision of the Magistrates’ Court on the 28th of... More