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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
1. The applicant brought an application in terms of s 236(4) (b) of the High Court Rules, 1971, (the Rules). She seeks an order for dismissal of the respondent’s case on the premise that he failed to pursue an application he filed by neglecting to set it for hearing entitling her to apply for dismissal for want of prosecution. 2. Rule 236(4) stipulates as follows; “(4) Where the applicant has filed an answering affidavit in response to the respondent’s opposing affidavit but has not, within a month thereafter, set the matter down for hearing, the respondent, on notice to the... More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. Leave is being sought by the employee in a labour dispute between him and the employer. More

The applicant seeks the following relief before this honourable court. TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: a. The respondent and any persons acting on his behalf or for his interests are hereby prohibited from denying the applicant access to his mining claim located at sub-division 6, Ndiri South Mazoe within RA PJ 002 measuring 23 hectares in any manner whatsoever. b. Respondent is ordered to pay cost of suit. More

This is an appeal against the Appeals Committee of the National Employment Council for the Motor Industry. Appellant was in Respondent’s employ as a foreman. He was brought before the Disciplinary Authority on two acts of misconduct namely – - any act, conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfilment of the express or implied conditions of his contract - theft or fraud or commits a crime involving dishonesty. More

The applicant applies for bail pending appeal number CA 1109/15. The applicant was convicted of the offence of rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act. [Chapter 9:23] by the regional magistrate sitting at Mutare on 17 December, 2015. The applicant was on account of the conviction sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. Through his legal practitioners the applicant noted an appeal against both conviction and sentence on 31 December, 2015. The allegation against the applicant was that he was employed as the Deputy Headmaster at the school where the complainant, a 12 year old... More

KABASA J: This is an application for bail pending trial. The applicants are facing a charge of robbery. The allegations are that on 8th June 2021 the applicants, in the company of 4 others, hired a motor vehicle to Esigodini from Bulawayo and proceeded to the complainant’s home.One Thabisa Ncube who was part of the gang of 6 was a former employee of the complainant and is the one who led his co-accused to the complainant’s house.The group was armed with axes, knives and what looked like a firearm. The complainant was attacked using an axe and a log resulting... More

1. The applicant is a former employee of the respondent. His contract of employment was terminated in 2001 after which he obtained judgment by consent against the respondent at the Labour Court for unlawful dismissal. He was awarded damages in the sum of Z$26 076 252 on 27 May 2009 after quantification. The applicant seeks to register the judgment with this court in terms of s 92B (3) of the Labour Act, [Chapter 21: 08]. More