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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This matter was placed before me as an urgent application for leave to execute pending appeal. The background is as aptly captured in HH 424-21. In that matter, the court granted an interim order which for the sake of convenience is captured hereunder. More

The applicant in his capacity as the judicial manager of Rolldice Mining Services (Pvt) Ltd seeks the following provisional order against the respondents. More

This is an application for leave to institute proceedings in which applicant seeks the removal of first respondent, as the judicial manager of second respondent, on the grounds that first respondent has conducted himself in a manner prejudicial to creditors and shareholders of second respondent and is thus a threat to their interests. The application is brought in terms of s301 (1) of the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03]. More

The applicant a registered legal practitioner has approached this court seeking a review of the decision of the respondent wherein the latter referred applicant’s disciplinary matter to the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. The applicant contends that the decision to refer his matter to the Tribunal violates his procedural rights in that the decision was biased, procedurally irregular and grossly irregular. The application is vehemently opposed. More

TAKUVA J: On the 24th of August 2007, the plaintiff and 1st and 2nd defendants entered into an agreement for the “exchange” of her property namely Stand 4458 Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo with 1st and 2nd defendants’ property namely a restaurant registered under Richdena Investments (Pvt) Ltd. Plaintiff unsuccessfully demanded company documents from 1st and 2nd defendants to enable her to effect transfer of the restaurant into her names. More

The applicant seeks a declaratur to the effect that he paid the full purchase price in terms of an agreement of sale between the parties dated 20 October 2016. The order sought is also to the effect that the payments of the deposit plus monthly instalments, from December 2017 to August 2020 by the applicant to the respondent’s bank account, were in accordance with the agreed terms of sale agreement between the parties. Ancillary relief is also sought in that the applicant seeks that the respondent be ordered to sign all necessary documents to effect transfer of ownership to him... More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for rescission of the default judgment against the applicant. The default judgment was granted on 24 February 2016 under cover of case number 2906/15. More