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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff sued out summons for the division of immovable property acquired by the parties during the subsistence of their tacit universal partnership. Alternatively, the division of the immovable property acquired during the subsistence of the parties’ unregistered customary law union based on unjust enrichment. In opposition to the claim the defendant filed a special plea, that the claim is prescribed. More

An order for civil imprisonment is hereby granted in favor of the plaintiff 2. The Sheriff for Zimbabwe, or his deputy, is ordered to arrest the defendant, George Frangoulis of 86 Maungwe Street, Rusape, Zimbabwe, for a period of 90 (Ninety) days in the Remand Prison and deliver him together with a copy of this writ, to the Prison at Remand, where he shall be kept until: (a) Defendant has paid the judgment debt, together with the interest and costs that are due or (b) The period of 90 (ninety) days form the dater of his delivery to the prison... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Negotiating Committee for the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors (Negotiating Committee) handed down on 10 December 2019. The Negotiating Committee upheld the conviction of the appellant on a charge of misconduct levelled against him, and his consequent dismissal from employment. More

Applicant is an ex-member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police, (ZRP). He was attested into the Police Service on 2 February 2011. He was discharged from service by 1st respondent on 10 January 2017. He appealed that decision to the 2nd respondent. 2nd respondent dismissed the appeal on 25 October 2017. It is that decision which is the subject of this application for review. The grounds for review are set out ex-facie the application. More

This is a court application in terms of which the applicant seeks a declaratur. The applicant an ex-constable in the Zimbabwe Republic Police sued The Commissioner General of Police, The Police Service Commission and the Minister of Home Affairs for the following order: ‘(1) That refusal by the 1st respondent to furnish applicant with reasons for his discharge be and is hereby declared unlawful and wrongful. (2) The failure by the 1st respondent to afford applicant the right to be heard before being discharged from the Police Service be and is hereby declared to be wrongful and unlawful. (3) The... More

In this court application the court has been called upon to decide a point in limine on whether the two grounds for review raised by the applicant are valid grounds and if not whether the application should be treated as fatally defective. The applicant seeks an order in the following terms; “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The 2nd respondent’s failure to reinstate the applicant into the Police Service after she appealed in terms of section 51 of the Police Act is declared wrongful and unlawful. 2. The 1st respondent’s failure to give the applicant written reasons for the dismissal of... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Magistrate Court sitting at Harare in which the court dismissed the appellant’s claim and upheld the counter-claim by the respondent. The facts of the case are that on 11 June 2014 the appellant and the respondent entered into an agreement of sale of land. This was during the multi-currency era. The property was sold in United States dollars. The agreed purchase price was US$60 000.00. The agreed terms of payment were that the respondent was to pay the appellant a deposit of US$18 000.00 followed by monthly instalments of US$691.00 for... More