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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Applicants have approached this court through an urgent chamber application for the following relief per provisional order whose terms have been couched as follows: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT i) An order to allow the classing of all Religion under the essential services as already enshrined in our constitution is now and hereby granted. ii) That worship and prayer services in groups and sizes that are manageable say 30 or 20 people or less be now and hereby allowed at least once a week while observing all other rules and regulations to curb the spread of the Corona virus. iii)... More

Appellant was in the employ of the Respondent as Finance Director. Following an audit of Respondent’s books of accounts, it was recommended that Appellant be charged with misconduct. Appellant was charged with contravening section 4 (a) of the Labour (National Employment Code of Conduct) Regulations, Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006 as read with the Public Finance Management Act, (PFMA) (Chapter 22:19). He faced nine (9) counts. Appellant was brought before a Disciplinary Authority which found him guilty of two of the counts and not guilty on the rest. Appellant is dissatisfied with this outcome and has appealed to this Court. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the NEC Banking and Undertaking Appeals Committee (N.E.C) which set aside the decision of the Grievances and Disciplinary Committee(G.D.C.) and ordered that respondent employee’s dismissal from employment be set aside and that she be reinstated to her original position without loss of salary and benefits. More

The three matters above were dealt with by the same Provincial Magistrate sitting at Mbare. The trials of the accused persons were disposed of by guilty plea procedure in terms of s 271(2)(b) as read with s 271(3) of the Criminal Procedure & Evidence Act, ([Chapter 9:07]. In the case of S v Febbie Mukotodzi CRB 2422/21 the accused on his guilty plea was convicted of assault as defined in s 89(1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] (“Criminal Code”). It was alleged that the accused slapped the complainant several times on the face on 15... More

This is n an urgent chamber application seeking to stop the execution of a warrant of search and seizure No. 1227/21 issued by the Magistrate who is cited as the third respondent in this matter. The first respondent is a sergeant detective with the Zimbabwe Republic Police whilst the second respondent is cited in his capacity as the Commissioner General of Police. The fourth respondent is the Minister of Home Affairs who is responsible for the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He is cited in his official capacity. More

TSANGA J: The parties herein were married in 1989 so theirs was notably a lengthy marriage. They had four children, all of whom are now majors. What is disputed herein as part of their divorce is whether a named property should constitute the pool of assets to be divided and in the case of another of the properties, the issue is the divisional principle that ought to be applied. Among the disputed properties is a house in Budiriro, namely stand number 1217 which was acquired in 1997 in the husband’s name at a time when they were already married. The... More

Applicants filed this application as an urgent application seeking a provisional order worded as follows: “Terms of the final order sought That the First Respondent, should show cause to this Honourable Court why if any a final order in the following terms should not be made. 1. That the First Respondent his agents workers or any person acting on his behalf or with his authority, be and is hereby permanently interdicted and restrained from allowing livestock to roam and or graze and or enter Plot 4 Helensvale Estate as appears on the new Sub-division lay out or any other property... More