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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an opposed application for leave to appeal against a decision of the Supreme Court (“the court a quo”) made in terms of s 167(5)(b) of the Constitution as read with r 32(2) of the Constitutional Court Rules, 2016 (“the Rules”). More

This appeal emanates from an election petition lodged with the Electoral Court to nullify the election of the respondent and to declare the petitioner (the appellant herein) duly elected as the Member of Parliament for Chegutu West. The disputed election was held on 30 July 2018. More

Applicant applies for bail pending trial based on changed circumstances. The application was made in terms of section 116(c)(ii) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act. He was arrested on one count of armed robbery together with his co-accused, one Brown Mubaiwa under CRB HREP 1062-63/21. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Harare magistrate’s Court in terms of which the appellant was denied bail. Appellant was charged with unlawful entry into premises in aggravating circumstances as defined in s 131 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] as read with s 131 (2) (e) of the said Act. The allegations were that on the 13th October 2020 the appellant unlawfully intentionally and without authority from Mahmud (complainant) entered using duplicate keys to open the locked warehouse and stole property therefrom consisting of coffee mugs, dinner plates, water glasses,... More

The delay in handing down this judgment is regretted. This is more so in light of the fact that this dispute is a labour matter which has remained unresolved since 2016. More

This short judgment is intended to contextualize my order so that its rationality is appreciated when the main matter Case No. HC 112/19 is finally determined by the court should the applicant persist in it. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Designated Agent for the National Employment Council; Harare Municipal Undertaking (NEC), issued on 19 March 2020. In the determination, the Designated Agent dismissed the appellants’ claim for allocation of 40 litres of fuel per week as a contractual benefit. The brief facts of the matter are that the appellants are employed by the respondent as Principal Auditors. They are placed in grade 6 on the hierarchy of posts. In terms of their contract of employment, the appellants are entitled to a company vehicle. The respondent also has a policy in terms... More