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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
I dismissed this application for bail pending appeal No. CA 825/19 on 24 March 2020. I have been requested by the applicant to provide a fully clothed judgment incorporating the reasons for the dismissal of the application. These are they. The applicant was convicted by the magistrate sitting at Chinhoyi for contravening s 82(1) of the Parks & Wildlife Regulations S.I 362/90 as read with s 128(5) of the Parks & Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]. The applicant was convicted on 16 December 2019. Consequent on his conviction, the applicant was sentenced to the mandatory minimum sentence provided for the contravention... More

This is an application for bail pending trial, made in terms of s 116 (a) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07] (“the CPEA”) as read with this court’s bail rules. The applicant, a former Mayor of the City of Harare, appeared before the Magistrates Court sitting at Harare on 13 March 2021 facing a charge of criminal abuse of duty as a public officer as defined in s 174 (1) (a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

MUZOFA J. The plaintiff issued out summons against the defendant claiming the following relief: 1. US$25 000 being salaries the defendant unlawfully awarded herself 2. $3 956.85 unlawfully encashed leave days 3. $11 688 excess school fees claimed by the defendant 4. $5 000 school fees claimed for a child no longer in school. 5. Return of a motor vehicle a Nissan Captiva registration number ACC 3926 that defendant illegally sold to herself 6. Return of a laptop illegally taken from plaintiff by the applicant. The plaintiff also claimed interest on the amounts at the prescribed rate from the date... More

The applicant is in relentless pursuit of his freedom and has filed this application for bail on the grounds of changed circumstances since 3 December 2020 when I dismissed his application for bail pending trial. More

This is an appeal by Hopewell Chin’ono (the appellant) against the decision by the Provincial Magistrate denying him bail pending trial on the allegations preferred against him in the case CRB HREP 353/2020. The allegations against appellant as reflected in form 242 are that appellant a freelance journalist published a false statement to members of the public during the period between 5 January 2021 and 7 January 2021 through his twitter handle Hopewell Chin’ono @daddyhope alleging that a 9 month old child had been beaten to death by an officer/ member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police when the police officer... More

The applicant was granted bail by myself on application filed under case number B1359/20. The bail was granted on 2 September, 2020. The applicant faces charges of incitement to commit public violence as defined in s 187 (1) (a) as read with s 36(1) (a) and s 36 (a) (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. The details of the bail orders which I granted were as follows: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Accused is granted bail on the following conditions:- 1.1. The conditions of bail imposed on accused in case number CRB ACC 77/2020 shall apply in... More

This is an application for alteration of bail conditions to enable the applicant to uplift his passport from the Clerk of Court so that he is able to travel to South Africa to deliver a keynote address at a journalism event on 14 August 2021 and for the temporary suspension of his reporting conditions for the duration of his 7 day stay in that country. More