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Court Judgements

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MAKONESE J: This is an urgent chamber application framed by the applicant as an urgent chamber application for a temporary interdict and consequential relief on the return date. The draft order is for the following relief:- “TERMS OF INTERIM RELIEF Pending the finalisation of this matter, the applicant is granted the following interim relief:- (a) That the first respondent and all those claiming occupation through her be and are hereby interdicted from conducting any mining operations and/or collecting any mining ores from Bonsor SW mine and/or Olympia 7 mine forthwith. (b) The second and third respondents be and are hereby... More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant seeks a provisional order for the suspension of a garnishee placed by the respondent pursuant to an income tax assessment. More

In this review application the applicants pray for relief as follows– “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The application for review succeeds. 2. The 2nd respondent’s decision to proceed with the trial of the applicants notwithstanding the provisional order in case No. HC 7206/20 be set aside. 3. The proceedings before the 2nd respondent held on 28 April 2021 be quashed. 4. That the decision made on 28 April 2021 in the trial of the applicants in case No. ACC 45-47/20 X Ref CRB HRE P 7566-8/20 be set aside. 5. The criminal matter of the applicants be placed before another... More

The background to this appeal is that the two appellants appeared before the Provincial Magistrate at Harare Magistrates on 6 March, 2021 on initial remand. They were legally represented by Mr J. Bamu who again is their legal representative in this appeal. The appellants faced a charge of contravening s 5 (3) (a) of the Public Health (Covid 19 Prevention, Containment and Treatment National Lockdown) Consolidation and Amendment Order of S.I. 200/29 as read with S.I. 42/2021 (Partakes or covenes a gathering) Chapter 15:07. More

DUBE-BANDA J: This is a bail application pending trial. Applicantand other persons are jointly charged with the crime of robbery as defined in section 126 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that:-on 25 May 2021, at around 0100hours, applicant with other co-accused persons armed themselves with a 303 rifle, two pistols, machetes, knives and iron bars and robbed three complainants of their vehicles, cash and cell phones after threatening to shoot them with their firearms. More

The background to this appeal is that on 11 March, 2021, the appellants were denied bail by the provincial magistrate sitting at Harare. They had appeared before the magistrate on 6 March, 2021 for initial remand on a charge of contravening s 5(3)(a) of the Public Health (Covid 19 Prevention, Containment and Treatment National Lockdown) consolidation and Amendment order of S.I 200/20 as read with S.I. 42/2021 (Partake or convenes a gathering) [Chapter 15:07]. The appellants applied for bail unsuccessfully. The provincial magistrate dismissed the application. Following the dismissal of the application, the appellants noted an appeal to this court... More

Appeal against the magistrate decision to deny applicant to bail in terms of s 121 (1) (b) of the Criminal Procedure & Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07] as read with s 6 (1) of High Court Bail Rules, 1991 More