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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an urgent application for stay of execution of a writ of ejectment and execution against moveable property issued on the 12 November 2020. The title of the application is “urgent chamber application for stay of execution pending an application for rescission of default judgment and application for condonation for late filing of plea and upliftment of bar made in terms of rules 241, 244, 247 of the rules of the High Court, 1971.” The parties are presently in litigation on several fronts. In his oral submissions, Mr Chivore, counsel for the 1st respondent said there are currently five... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent employer where it demoted applicant from her position as acting headmistress following allegations of acting contrary to her duties in breach of the Public Service Regulations 1 of 2000 as amended. More

1. This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court striking off the rollthe appellant’s urgent chamber application for an interdictagainst the first, second and third respondents in respect of certain conduct, pending the resolution of any dispute between the appellant and the fifth respondent over certain mining claims. 2. The Provisional Order that the appellant sought in the court a quo was in the following terms: More

The applicant approached this court seeking for summary judgment which application is opposed by the respondent. The applicant being the registered owner of a piece of land namely Stand 2738 Umtali Township of Umtali Township lands also known as 10 Thorn Close, Morningside, Mutare issued summons for eviction of the respondent. The respondent defended the matter and hence the present application for summary judgment More

DUBE-BANDA J: This is an application for bail pending trial. This application was considered on the papers filed by the parties without oral argument, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Practice Directive 2 of 2021 issued by the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe. Applicant is being charged with the crime of rape as defined in section 65(1) (b) of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23].It being alleged that; on a date unknown, but during the period extending from June to October 2020, applicant unlawfully and knowingly had sexual intercourse with a female aged 13 years several times on... More

The plaintiffs’ herein issued summons seeking the following relief. “1. An order declaring that the 1st Plaintiff, led by the 2nd to 4th Plaintiffs, is the legitimate Medical Professional and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe registered as such in terms of the Labour Act (Chap 28:01). 2. An order declaring that the 1st Plaintiff, led by the 2nd to 4th Plaintiffs, is the Medical Professional and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe referred to in section 2 of the Constitution of the 4th Defendant. 3. An order interdicting the 1st to the 3rd Defendants from purporting to be leading the 1st... More

The appellants were convicted in the Magistrates court sitting at Masvingo of seven counts of stock theft. Although upon arraignment they denied each of those seven counts, the court a quo found in the wake of the ensuing trial that they had acted in common purpose on seven separate occasions to steal a total of fifty-three head of cattle and convicted them accordingly. Consequent upon such conviction, they were each sentenced to 9 years’ imprisonment in respect of each of the seven counts. Thirty of the cumulative sixty-three years’ imprisonment were suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions. Aggrieved... More