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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
1. This is an appeal against part of a judgment of the High Court dated 17 July, 2019 in which the court a quo set aside the respondents dismissal from the police service commission and ordered his reinstatement without loss of salary and benefits. More

This is an appeal against the magistrates Court’s refusal to admit the appellant to bail pending trial. The appeal is made in terms of s 121 (1) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter9:23] (“the CPEA”) as read with r 6 (1) of the High Court of Zimbabwe Bail Rules, 1971. More

This is an application for direct access to the Constitutional Court made in terms of s 167(5)(a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. The allegation is that the conduct of the respondents violated the applicant`s fundamental rights as enshrined in ss 69(1) and 70(1)(d),(e) and (f) of the Constitution. More

The applicant seeks an order of spoliation. The subject matter is a certain Land Rover Discovery 5 motor vehicle. The facts are interesting. The applicant is a duly registered company. It is in the business of buying and selling motor vehicles, brand new or used. It also services them. The second respondent was at all material times the applicant’s general manager until the dispute over this vehicle blew up in the last two weeks or so. She was suspended pending disciplinary proceedings against her. She opted to resign, citing incessant harassment. That put paid to the disciplinary proceedings. More

This is an application for dismissal for want of prosecution in terms of r 236 (3) (b) of the High Court Rules, 1971. More

The applicant, a legal entity which is registered in Zimbabwe, contracted the first respondent, a tobacco grower, to grow tobacco crop on its behalf for the 2018-2019 tobacco season. The second and third respondents bound themselves as sureties and co-principal debtors with the first respondent. More

This matter was set down as an application for condonation for late filing of an appeal. In response to the application the respondent employer raised with the court points in limine which points are the subject matter of this judgment. The employer took 3 points that is (1) application was not served on time (2) Answering affidavit was improperly before the court (3) Applicant was bared for failure to file heads of argument. In the result the employer prayed that the application for condonation be struck off the roll with costs on the basis of the points raised above. More