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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application titled, “Court application for specific performance” in which the following draft order is sought More

At the material time the plaintiff was leasing 2nd floor apartment of Robinson House, Harare from the third defendant through the first defendant who had been duly appointed as the third defendant’s managing agent. More

This is a chamber application for condonation of the late filing of an appeal against conviction. In terms of r 106(7) of the High Court Rules, 2021 this matter was set down for oral argument and heard on 13 May 2022. After argument by the parties, I gave an ex-tempore judgment and dismissed the application. On 17 March 2023 the applicant wrote a letter to the Registrar asking for the reasons for the dismissal of his application. The letter was brought to my attention on the 27 March 2023. In the letter he suggests that I dismissed his appeal against... More

Applicant was customarily married to Elia SvosveraiNdoro who died intestate in 2010, she was the third wife. Alice Ndorowas also married to Elia Ndoro and she was the second wife. Alice died in 2008 without leaving a will. When Alice Ndoro died Josephine Chinaka (“second respondent”) was appointed executrix dative over Alice Ndoro’s estate and Joseph Chinake (“third respondent”) is cited as beneficiary. In compiling the inventory of Alice Ndoro’s estate, a shop situated at Chinyauhwera was included as part of the estate of the late Alice Ndoro. More

In this application, the respondent was until 23 October 2020 employed by the applicant in the position of Chief Executive Officer on a written contract of fixed duration of 6 years renewable which commenced on 1 March 2018. The 23rd October 2020 was a dark day for the respondent. The applicant terminated the employment contract aforesaid on 3 months’ notice as provided for in clause 9 of the employment contract. The notice period was determined to commence on 1 November 2020. More

This is an opposed application for the upholding of a special plea, raised as a plea in abatement to the plaintiff’s summons and declaration filed on 18 June 2020 in the case bearing the same case number. The summarized facts are that, the plaintiff, issued summons commencing action for the recovery of the sum US850, 000.00 or its equivalent in Zimbabwean dollars at the prevailing inter-bank rate, which he had paid as security deposit in terms of a lease agreement entered with the defendant. Both parties are duly incorporated companies. It is common cause that the defendant is a Company... More

This is a court application for a civil forfeiture order. The application was instituted in terms of s 80 of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act [Chapter 9:24]. The application is opposed by the respondents. More