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Court Judgements

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On 10 October 2019 at the 38km peg along Selborne- Aberforle Road, Amos Chitungo had a side swipe collision with a Mazda B2 500 being driven by one Peter Maneswa, accused and complainant respectively. The side swipe resulted in Peter Maneswa losing his arm. The state outline went on to state that on the aforesaid date at around 2000 hours accused was driving an Isuzu Truck, number ACU 1017 along Selborne – Aberforle Road due East. Upon approaching the 38km peg, the accused saw an oncoming Mazda B2500 vehicle registration number ABY 0284 being driven by Peter Maneswa. On passing... More

The first to third respondents are accused persons appearing before the Magistrate who is cited as the fourth respondent. The background to the application is as follows:- The first to third respondents appeared before a Magistrate sitting at Masvingo charged with six counts of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) [Chapter 9:23]. The state outline can be summarized as below: The complainant is Bikita Minerals (Pvt) Ltd. On 29 May 2018 Gift Gwande an export manager at Bikita Minerals sent a product dispatch schedule (PDS) to Tribal Logistics requesting six trucks to... More

This is an application for a Declaratur in which the Applicant is seeking the following relief. “IT IS DECLARED AND ORDERED THAT: 1 The Applicant, PROSPER MACHEKERA is the sole and legitimate holder of rights, title, and interest in the mining claims which constitute RADNOR 58 Mine registered under certificate of registration 29825BM with the coordinates A 36K0461998/8087373 C 36K0462002/8086865 E 36K0461504/8086870 G 36K0461500/8087371 More

The applicant is seeking an interdict against the first respondent pending an application for spoliation order mounted before the High Court under Case Number HC 3437/22. The application for a spoliation order under Case No. HC 3437/22 was set to be heard on 29 July 2022 before WAMAMBOJ, to which it was postponed to 7th day of September 2022 after counsel for the first respondent had called in sick and that he was unable to attend to the hearing. The facts in the present application are materially the same with those in the founding affidavit of the application for a... More

This judgment is a consolidated one for the matters HC 13/21 and HC 3203/21 following consolidation of the two matters by consent of the parties. In this judgment, I refer to the parties as cited in case HC 13/21. More

The plaintiffs’ case is that they own certain housing units situate in RAN mine compound. The 18 defendants were among other employees who were employed by RAN mine. They were given accommodation as part of their employment benefits. In 1999 the mine workers, including the defendants, were retrenched from work and paid their retrenchment package which included a relocation allowance of $5000. The plaintiffs said the retrenchment was approved by the Ministry of Labour in line with labour laws and that the retrenchment package was one agreed to by the Works Council and Management. Despite demand, it is alleged the... More

The applicant is the executor and a beneficiary in the estate of the late Juawo Nkomo (“Juawo”), his father. During his lifetime and in particular on 20 August 2013, the late Juawo entered into a mining joint venture agreement (“the agreement”) with the 1st respondent, a company duly incorporated in terms of the laws of the country. He was the registered owner of the mine called Koodoo 10 Mine, Makaha (“the mine”) situate in Mudzidistrict. [2] In terms of the agreement, Juawo would facilitate change of ownership of the mine to incorporate the 1st respondent as co-owner of the mine... More