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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for review where the applicant is seeking the following: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The High Court should review the ruling from Rusape Magistrate Court of (sic) granting RTGS 5 0000 against a claim of US$ 50000 dated 26 may 2020. 2. Respondent to pay cost of this application” The application is opposed more pertinently the first respondent contends that applicant does not allege any procedural irregularity on the part of second respondent’s conduct of proceedings which must be the legal basis for review in terms of s 27 of the High Court Act. More

1. This is an application for bail pending appeal against conviction and sentence. The applicant was arraigned before the Magistrates’ Court sitting at Hwange. The applicant and his co-accused who are not part of this application were charged with the crime of contravening section 82(1)(b) of the Parks and Wildlife Regulations S.I. 362/1990 as read with section 128(1)(b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]. It being alleged that on the 17 November 2021 at VID bus stop, Hwange, the applicant and his co-accused one or all of them unlawfully possessed six pieces of raw unmarked elephant ivory weighing... More

This is an Urgent Chamber Application. It was lodged in this court on 15 December 2021 at 1143 hours. The interim and final relief sought have been formulated as follows by the applicant. THE INTERIM ORDER GRANTED (1) Pending the return date, the execution of the amended court order in the case undercover of case number HC 774/17 be and is hereby stayed with immediate effect. (2) 1st and 3rd respondents be and are hereby interdicted and prohibited from undertaking or continuing to undertake processes and procedures towards the full execution of the amended court order in HC 774/17. More

That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: Pending the finalization of the divorce proceedings filed by applicant under case No. HC 1600/22: 1. 1st Respondent be and is hereby interdicted from interfering with applicant’s running of 3rd respondent’s business affairs carried out at Shop 14 Bulawayo Centre, JMN Nkomo Street and 9th Avenue/Fort Street and 10th Avenue, Bulawayo. 2. 1st Respondent be and hereby barred from interfering or tampering with the lease agreement between 3rd respondent and National Railways of Zimbabwe Contributory Pension Fund. 3. 1st respondent... More

This is an urgent chamber application for stay of proceedings. The applicant appeared in the Magistrates’ Court facing one count of theft as defined in section 113 (2) (d) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act and one count of money laundering in violation of section 8 (1) (a) and (d) of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act (Chapter 9:24). The accused pleaded not guilty to both counts. The matter proceeded to trial. The state called four witnesses before closing its case. The defence made an application for discharge at the close of the state case. The... More

1. This is an opposed chamber application. Applicant seeks an order to compel 1st respondent to sign all necessary papers to transfer certain properties into her name. The properties that are sought to be transferred into applicant names are these: house number 70942 Lobengula West, Bulawayo; Lot 5 of Stand 188 of Matsheumhlope, Bulawayo;Subdivision 12 of Subdivision 21 of Subdivision A called GumtreeClaremont, Bulawayo, also known as number 12B Alwin Park Road, Gumtree, Bulawayo; and Subdivision 21 of Subdivision A called Claremont. More

This application is premised on the following grounds, that: 1. Respondent’s decision to cancel applicant’s certificates of registration number 46035 to 36038 commonly known as Botha Mine 1 to 4 is procedurally unfair in that respondent did not provide reasons for his decision to cancel the certificates. 2. Respondent’s decision to cancel the certificates is vitiated by gross irregularity in the proceedings in that applicant was not informed of the outcome of the survey process done on 28 May 2021, and was not given an opportunity to be heard on such outcome. The survey process was important and was used... More