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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an opposed application for summary judgment where applicant is seeking the following relief: “1. Summary judgment in case No. HC 249/2021 be, and it is hereby granted in favour of the applicant and against the respondent. 2. The respondent including all persons whatsoever claiming right of occupation through her be and is hereby ordered to vacate certain piece of land situate in the District of Umtali called the Remainder of Lot C of subdivision D of Dora measuring 85, 7844 hectares within seven (7) days after service of this order upon her. 3. In the event that the... More

MAKONESE J: The applicant is the Executrix Dative of the late Memory Ngwenya who died on the 18th of July 2021. The late Memory Ngwenya was a prominent business woman owning various immovable properties in Bulawayo. A bitter struggle for the control of these properties and other business concerns has led to a flurry of cases being filed in this court. More

The applicant and 1st respondent had a mining dispute over the pegging of applicant’s Eric 9 Mine which had allegedly encroached onto 1st respondent’s Annedale 12 Mine. Both mines are located in the Insiza District. With the consent of the applicant and 1st respondent the mining dispute was investigated and adjudicated upon by the Provincial Mining Director, Matabeleland South. 3rd respondent handed down a determination on 15th June 2020 with findings that applicant was required to adjust the boundaries of his claim so that they did not overlap into 1st respondent’s claims. Dissatisfied with the determination by 3rd respondent, applicant... More

The applicant seeks a review of the decision of the second respondent to cancel Mining license number ‘X’ Mine 47622 issued in the applicants name and for an order of its reinstatement. The draft order to the application was couched as follows- “IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. That the cancellation of Applicant’s Mining Certificate for Shamva ‘X’ Mine Registration number 47622 posted on the Notice Board at Bindura, Mashonaland Central Province, at Ministry of Mines and Mining Development offices on 8 April 2021 be and is hereby set aside and substitute with the following orders. “The Applicant’s Mining Certificate for... More

The applicant applies for summary judgment against the respondent in the sum of US$26 127.56 with interest at 25.8% per annum from 7 February 2014 to the date of full payment. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the appeals officer where he upheld the guilty verdict and dismissal penalty meted on appellant following allegations of conduct inconsistent with conditions of his contract in violation of section 4(a) of the Model Code. More

I heard this matter on 18 May 2021, I delivered an ex tempore judgment in terms of which I granted the applicant’s prayer with costs. On 19 October 2021, the High Court Registrar wrote advising me that my decision had been appealed. He requested reasons for the same. These are they: The applicant is a legal entity. It is the owner and lawful occupier of two pieces of land (“the farm”) which are in the District of Hartley which is now known as Chegutu. The pieces or the farmcomprise(s): More