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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for leave to appeal against the decision of this court of 7 July 2021 in case HC 4469/20, judgment HH 352/21.Applicants filed two applications, HC 1230/19 and HC 3457/19, with this court which they did not persue until the respondent filed a chamber application for their dismissal for want of prosecution under case HC 4469/20. On 19 March 2021, the day of the hearing of the initial chamber application, applicants persuaded the court that they be given more time to set down their two matters. The presiding judicial officer granted their request and by consent from... More

The plaintiff is a medical doctor by profession. He was employed by the first defendant as Health Services Director until his contract of employment was terminated through compulsory retrenchment on 22 February 2015. The first defendant is a local authority established in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It is responsible for the administration of the affairs of the Harare Metropolitan province. The second defendant is the authority reposed with mandate to record and register rights in real estate, as well as being the custodian of title deeds. A dispute arose between the plaintiff and first defendant in connection with... More

The parties in this case were engaged in a dispute of salaries. The parties failed to agree on the determination of a new minimum wage for the Industry for the period 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011. They also failed to agree on a housing allowance for the period 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011. More

The accused was arraigned before a Magistrate at Plumtree on the 27th of March 2022 facing one count of culpable homicide as defined in section 49 of the Criminal Law Codification & Reform Act (Chapter 9:23) as read with section 52 of the Road Traffic Act (Chapter 13:11). The accused pleaded guilty and was convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of RTGS $25 000 in default of payment 6 months imprisonment. In addition 6 months imprisonment was wholly suspended for 5 years on condition accused did not within that period commit any offence involving the negligent killing of another... More

MAKONESE J: There have been numerous judgments of this court which have reiterated that when judicial officers decide upon the appropriate sentences in cases involving culpable homicide arising out of road traffic accidents, regard must be had to the provisions of section 52 of the Road Traffic Act (Chapter 13:11). More

This matter was referred to the Registrar by the learned Regional Magistrate at Plumtree. The accused was convicted on his own plea of guilty of contravening section 10 (1) (A) as read with section 10 (3) of the Environmental Management Act (Control of Hazardous Substances) (General) Regulations 2018 (S.I 268/2018) “Store or sell Hazardous Substance without a licence” by a Magistrate at Plumtree on 27 September 2020. He was sentenced to pay a fine of “ZWL $1200-00 in default of payment 90 days imprisonment. The 66 x 30 litres petrol and 200 l x 2 petrol be and are hereby... More

Acused is being charged of Murder as defined in s 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegations by the prosecution are that on 4 August 2020, at Mureya Village, Chief Musikavanhu, Chipinge, accused in the company of John Panganayi Mlambo Mureya and Clemence Fuddy Mureya (both of whom are still at large) acting in common purpose and in association with one another unlawfully caused the death of Benjamin Mukwakwami by assaulting him with fists, machete, kicks and a log all over the body intending to kill him or realising that there was... More