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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On the 30th of January 2022, the applicant was driving his employer’s vehicle registration No. ADS 1099 along Bulawayo – Victoria Falls Road. At the 335 km peg he was involved in a road traffic accident in which the motor vehicle driven by the applicant collided with another motor vehicle as a result of which that other vehicle suffered certain damages. Following the accident, applicant was charged with contravening section 52 (2) of the Road Traffic Act Chapter 13:11 “Negligent Driving.” He appeared before the 1st respondent, pleaded guilty and was convicted in terms of section 271 (2) (b) as... More

The plaintiff issued summons against the four defendants claiming payment by the defendant of the sum of US$70 505.05 being the capital sum to be used to purchase pension benefits from a registered pension fund to be nominated by the plaintiff, interest on the aforesaid sum at the prescribed rate calculated from the date of the summons to the date of full payment as well as costs of suit. More

At the commencement of the proceedings, Respondent’s Counsel informed the Court that he had been engaged the previous day and had thus not been able to file Heads of Argument. The Court indicated that the matter would proceed. More

On the 29 November 2018 plaintiffs sued out a summons against defendant (council) claiming that on payment of the sum of $1 782.00, the defendant complete the designs for roads, water and sewerage at stands 4475 to 4633 Mbizo 18, Kwekwe, that were allocated to the plaintiffs under an agreement with Carslone; that the defendants enters into sale agreements with each plaintiff for the stands as shown in Survey Diagram for the section 18 Extension; and in the alternative that the defendant pays each plaintiff the sum equivalent to the current value of the stands and the defendant refunds the... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court dated 2 June 2019 dismissing the appellant`s claim for defamatory damages suffered by the appellant as a result of an article published by the respondent’s newspaper. More

This is an application for reinstatement of bail pending appeal. This application is not opposed. The applicant and a co-accused were arraigned before the Magistrates’ Court sitting in Gwanda. They were charged with the crime of contravening section 114 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that on the 15th February 2014, and at Insindi Farm, Gwanda applicant and his co-accused unlawfully stole six cattle, the property of the complainant. Applicant pleaded not guilty to the charge. After a protracted trial applicant was convicted and sentenced to eighteen years imprisonment. More

The applicants appeared before a Magistrate contravening s82 of the Parks and Wildlife General Regulations Statutory instrument 362/90 as read with s128 (B) of the Parks and Wildlife Act, possession of raw ivory. In their application, the applicants indicated that they have fixed places of abode. They are not likely to abscond since they did not commit the offence. They also averred that there is no likelihood that they will interfere with witnesses. The State witnesses are members of the International Anti-Poaching Foundation and police officer. There is no way they can influence them. More