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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The accused was convicted of stock theft as defined in s114 (2) (a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act , by the trial Magistrate at Mutoko Magistrates. More

Justin Tenha (herein after referred to as “the accused”), appeared before us charged with the crime of Murder in contravention of s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter9.23] (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”). Prosecution allegedthat on 9 September 2020 he struck Tendai Kanjanda (hereinafter referred to as” the deceased”) with logs and stones. The attack caused mortal wounds. More

Had it not been tragic, the sordid and grimy events which led to these allegations of murder would have been the perfect script for a horror movie. In another sad reality of the scourge of domestic violence Merjury Murira (hereinafter the accused) appeared before this court charged with the murder of her husband Taruwinga Muhwati. The allegations against her are that on 19 November 2020 at Chisiku village in Pfungwe Mutoko, she struck the deceased once on the chin with an axe intending to kill him or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that her conduct could... More

This is an application by the defence team, requesting the disclosure of statements of witnesses and some other evidential material in the possession of the State. This application is anchored on the accused person’s right to a fair trial. Mr Mpofu, counsel for the first accused, motivated the application. Mr Maruva, counsel for the second and third accused persons associated with the application. The accused persons request to be furnished with the statement of the doctor who examined the remains of the deceased, statement of five potential witnesses, namely Gay Moyo; Babra Chirenda; Admore Maforo; Casper Makenzie; Chitsone and Chihnamo,... More

The accused personwas charged with contravening s66 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act, (the Code)that is “Aggravated Indecent Assault”. More

A 40 year old man, Fashion Chakanetsa (herein after referred to as “the deceased”) met his tragic demise at the hands of five assailants. The men are alleged to have assaulted him and made off with his motor vehicle, a Toyota Wish. He subsequently died from the injuries sustained during the assaults. Two of the men, Prosper Prince Esau (herein after referred to as “the first accused”) and Tichaona Chirume (hereinafter referred to as the “second accused”) were later arrested and arraigned before this court to answer a charge of murder in contravention of s 47(1)(a) of the Criminal law... More

In this review judgment, I decided to write a single judgment since the same Magistrate dealt with the matter, the accused face the same offence and the same misdirection is evident from the proceedings. In sentencing the accused persons the learned Magistrate exceeded her jurisdiction. Under case number CHN 1547/22 the accused was convicted on two counts of domestic violence in contravention of s4 as read with section 3 of the Domestic Violence Act (Chapter 5:16). On the first count he was sentenced to pay a fine of ZWL $50 000 in default of payment 3 months imprisonment. In addition... More