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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s disciplinary authority which found appellant guilty of misconduct and dismissed her from employment. More

1st applicant who holds herself out as the Acting President of the political formation known as the Movement forDemocratic Change (T) , hereinafter referred to as MDC-T, brought this application under a Certificate of Urgency. This is an application for an interdict. More

This is an application wherein applicant seeks a decree of perpetual silence against the respondents. The order sought is couched as follows: “1. The first and second respondents be and are hereby ordered to maintain perpetual silence against the applicant. More

This is an application for summary judgment in terms of Rule 30 subrule (1) of the High Court Rules, 2021. It is trite that an application of this nature may be made where the defendant has no bona fide defence to the plaintiff’s claim or based on a liquid claim such as an Acknowledgement of Debt duly entered into by and between the applicant and the respondent. More

Applicant filed an application in this Court for the review of his dismissal from employment by Respondent. The Respondent opposed the application. More

1. This is an appeal against the judgment of the magistrates Court in terms of which the appellant was convicted of three counts of robbery as defined in s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The appellant was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment per count. Of the total 36 years imprisonment 6 years imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of good behaviour and a further 3 years imprisonment was suspended on condition the appellant paid restitution. Thus, the effective sentence was 27 years imprisonment. The appeal is against both the conviction... More

The applicants approached this honorable court seeking a declaratory order of an immovable property. The applicant in his official capacity as the Executor Dative of the Estate Late Kizito Dzorwa approached this Honorable court seeking a Declaratory Order in terms of s 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06].It is common cause that the applicant’s late father was granted a lease by the first respondents over a certain commercial premise measuring 2023 square meters comprising of a butchery,bottle store, grinding mill and general dealer all situated at Rusike Communal Land Mungate Business Centre under Chief Chinamora Domboshava in Goromonzi... More