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Court Judgements

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St Micheal’sNerwande Church was established by applicant in1909. In 1910 primary students used the church building for lessons. During the liberation struggle the Rhodesia government took control of the education department of the church. In 1980 the new dispensation continued with the pre-independence status quo. Its not clear on papers as when applicant engaged the first respondent, (Makoni Rural District Council) to restore control of the school to the applicant. However the Rural District Council agreed to do so but on condition applicant had to meet certain pre-requisites provided in the Education Act. Its clear on paper that the applicant... More

1. This urgent application was placed before me on the 13 May 2022. After considering it, I ruled that the matter was not urgent and I removed it from the roll of urgent matters. On the 19 May 2022, applicants addressed a letter to the Registrar of this court asking to be furnished with reasons for my ruling. Applicants’ letter was brought to my attention on the 27 May 2022. These are the reasons. More

This is an application for stay of execution brought under a certificate of urgency. The draft order is in the following terms: “Interim relief sought 1. The 3rd and 4th respondents be and are hereby ordered to stay the sale in execution in matter number HC 1774/15 which is scheduled for the 19th November 2021 pending the return date. More

This is an appeal against eviction whereby the Magistrates’ Court ordered that the appellant (as the defendant in the court below) and all those claiming occupation through her be evicted from stand 40260 Belvedere, Harare. Costs were also granted against the appellant on an ordinary scale. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order suspending the procurement process instituted by the first respondent under reference number ZPCR33-2022. The tender was advertised by the Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund (ZIMDEF), which falls under the first respondent on 9 September 2022. The relevant tender documents are marked Annexure “TC2”, which appears on pages 16-36 of the record. On the return date, the applicant seeks nullification and cancellation of the tender process. This application comes soon after the determination of HC 1727/22, which was an application for review and setting aside of the decision of ZIMDEF awarding a tender... More

I have before mean application filed by the applicant on 15 March 2022for review in terms of section 4 of the Administrative Justice Act [Chapter 10:28] (hereinafter referred to as “the AJA”), and for setting aside the decision of the 2nd respondent made on 22 February 2022. In addition, the applicant seeks the setting aside of the decision of the 1st respondent given on 9 December 2022, which awarded a tender to provide SAP software services to the 3rdrespondent. Dissatisfied with this, the applicant sought a determination of the matter by the Review Panel in terms of section 74 of... More

Application for condonation and extension of time within which to note a criminal appeal More