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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
1. This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Fiscal Appeal Court HH 20/20 dated 8 January 2020. The court a quo dismissed the appellant’s appeal against the decision of the Commissioner in respect of assessed tax and confirmed its amended income assessment made by the Commissioner on 2 September 2015. 2. The appellant is a company, with limited liability, duly incorporated in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It carries on the business of mining platinum in an area known as Middleridge Claims in Zimbabwe. The appellant and a related company known as Southridge Limited are subsidiaries... More

The applicant is a company that carries mining operations in Zimbabwe. The first respondent is an administrative authority established in terms of the Revenue Act [Chapter 23:11] tasked with the administration and collection of revenues due in terms of various statutes that it is obliged to enforce. Pursuant to its duties the first respondent issued garnishee notices against the applicant’s banker, Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe which is cited as the second respondent in this matter. One garnishee notice is for the remittal of the sum of USD 24,076,521.04 from the applicant’s account to the first respondent. More

This matter has a long history. I write this judgment in order to set the record straight in the light of the fact that the respondents are now self-actors who may intend to continue to fight their cause as evidenced by their continued writing of letters a determination which was already made as will become apparent later. The first, second and third respondents are erstwhile employees of the applicant. The parties are embroiled in a labour dispute that resulted in the dispute being referred for determination by arbitration. The history of the dispute was set out in detail in the... More

The applicant seeks a declaratur to the effect that the amount of US$ 788 296.21 which is stated in the respondents’ Writ of Execution which was issued out of this Honourable Court on 8 May 2014 was converted to RTGS at the rate of 1:1 by operation of the law. More

On 11 March 2015, the High Court granted part of the claim sought by Valentine Ziswa and his wife Margaret Ziswa (the cross appellants) against Graeme Shaun Chadwick and Landos (Pvt) Ltd (the cross respondents). The court a quo dismissed the claims of the cross appellants as against the second cross respondent in their entirety and granted part of the claims as against the first cross respondent. The cross appellants seek a reversal of the dismissal orders issued a quo. More

1. This is a composite judgment in respect of two applications for bail pending appeal, i.e. Cases No. HC 186/22 and HC 187/22. The applicants in both cases were jointly charged and tried together before the Regional Magistrate Court, sitting in Plumtree. Although each applicant filed his own notice of appeal, they are appealing the same judgment, and they both seek release on bail pending the finalisation of their respective appeals against the same judgment. At the hearing of the applications, applicants were both represented by one counsel. I then heard the two applications jointly and hence this composite judgment. More

This is an appeal against conviction and sentence on a charge of robbery as defined in s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The appellant was sentenced to nine years imprisonment of which two years imprisonment was suspended for five years on condition that during that period the appellant does not commit any offence that has violence on the person of another or dishonesty as an element and for which he is sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine. A further two years imprisonment was suspended on condition that the appellant restituted the... More