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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The facts of this matter being common cause the counsels agreed to proceed by way of a special case. Consequently, they filed a statement of agreed facts and heads of argument. More

The appellant employer appealed against the decision of the National Employment Council for the Welfare and Educational Institutions Appeals Committee. The NEC had set aside the respondent employee’s dismissal and reinstated him with full pay and benefits to the appellant employer’s employ. It is this appeal which is the subject of this judgment. The background to the matter is that the employee who was in the appellant’s employ as a hostel aide was brought before the appellant’s disciplinary committee to answer charges of failing to obey lawful instructions and theft of students money in Kapuya hostel. It was said that... More

Applicants seek a declaratur and consequential relief in the following effective terms; - 2. “It is declared that the 1st Respondent is required by s 93 (5a) of the Labour Act [ Chapter 28:01] to apply for the confirmation of the draft ruling she made on 7th February 2019. 3. Consequently, the 1st Respondent be and is hereby ordered to do all things necessary in order that she applies for confirmation of the draft ruling she made in a matter between the Applicants and the 3rd Respondent and dated 7 February 2019 in accordance with s 93 (5a) of the... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court of Zimbabwe granting an order for the eviction of the appellants and all other persons claiming occupation through them, from a property known as Share Number 24 of Subdivision A, Portion of Mayfield Estate, also known as Monavale Cluster Homes. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the High Court delivered on 5 February 2020. The court a quo held that eighty-five percent (85%) of Number 16 Hawkshead Drive, Borrowdale, also known as Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Lot FA Quinnington situate in the District of Salisbury measuring 1, 2770 Morgen held under Title Deed 3999/96 be awarded to the respondent as her sole and absolute share with the appellant being awarded the remaining 15 per cent share. More

This is an application for leave for direct access to this Court made in terms of r 21 of the Constitutional Court Rules, 2016 ("the Rules"). The applicant is a former student of the respondent. The respondent, Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE), is a university established and constituted in terms of the Bindura University of Science Education Act [Chapter 25:22]. More

This is an appeal from a judgment of the Magistrates Court (Civil), per Mrs Mazhande, which was handed down on 8 June 2021. We heard the appeal on 28 October 2021 and reserved judgment after hearing submissions from the parties. The background to the dispute which has culminated in this appeal are that, on 1 June 2020, the appellant and the respondent entered into a lease agreement in respect of premises known as B209 Odzi Apartments, Corner Glenara Road and Samora Machel Avenue, Harare (hereinafter referred to as “the property”). The said lease agreement, which appears on pp 24-27 of... More