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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
MAKONI J: The applicant, at one point was the registered owner of Stand 606 Northwood Township 4 of Sumben. The property was sold in execution at a public auction and the respondent was confirmed as the highest bidder. The property was transferred into her name on 24 November 1992. The applicant was not happy with the developments resulting in him instituting a plethora of cases against the respondent and other parties. This culminated in the High Court inMhiniv Mapedzamombe 1999(1) ZLR 561 (H) making an order of perpetual silence and that the applicant had to apply for leave of this... More

The applicant seeks an order setting aside the judgment, granted after a full trial, by my sister, CHIRAWU-MUGOMBA J, on 10 November 2021 in favour of the first and second respondents under case number HC 8317/10and under Judgment number HH627/21 on the grounds that the judgment in question contains a patent error. More

This is a court application with the title “court application to compel.” In the main, applicant is seeking the following relief: that 1st respondent (council) be directed to comply with the directive of the 2nd respondent (Minister) issued in the Minute titled “Local Authorities Circular No 1 of 201” and transfer to the applicant stand 1563 Que Que Township, known as 31 Josiah Tongogara Avenue, Newtown Kwe kwe (property). In the alternative, that 1st respondent be directed to cause the property to be valued and thereafter to make a written offer to the applicant to purchase the said property at... More

On 23 March 2022, at the instance of the first respondent who was challenging the decisions of the Master of the High Court to confirm interim liquidation and distribution accounts in respect of the Estate of the Late Edward Nyanyiwa, the High Court (“the court a quo”) issued the following order: More

This matter was filed under a certificate of urgency. The order sought in the interim relief is for the applicant to have restoration of occupation of the immovable property situate at stand number 206 Matsheumhlophe Township, Bulawayo. The order sought in the draft order is worded as follows: “Term relief sought 1. Pending the final determination of this application and final determination of the application in case number HC 1083/21 pending before this court the 1st and 2nd applicants be and are hereby restored into occupation of the immovable property situate at stand number 206 Matsheumhlophe Township, Bulawayo. 2. The... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrates’ Court which dismissed the appellant (then defendant)’s application for absolution from the instance after the close of the respondent (then plaintiff)’s case. The matter was then postponed for continuation. Thereafter, the appellant noted this appeal. The grounds of appeal before us are as follows; 1. The court a quo erred in holding that the respondent had locus standi to evict appellant from a privately owned property using an offer letter. 2. The court a quo erred in failing to appreciate the law regulating the acquisition of private More

The nine (9) residents of Tsvingwe High Density Suburb, Penhalonga, Mutasa Rural District Council approached court seeking the following relief as it appears in the draft order annexed to the application. More