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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant appeals against the whole judgment of the High Court dated 14 March 2012, wherein the court a quo granted an order for the eviction of the appellant. The appellant was evicted from the respondent’s three immovable properties situated in Harare. The eviction awarded punitive costs as against the appellant and its legal practitioner Mr D. Chinawa. More

This application as I will demonstrate below has a checked history and was punctuated by episodes of drama. On the 17th May 2017 in Case Number HC 3855/17 this court granted an interim interdict in favour of the applicant Country Club Twenty-Ten (Private ) Limited. Dissatisfied by the Interim Order the respondents filed a Notice of Appeal in the Supreme Court on the 29th May 2017 in Case Number SC 325/17. The appeal is still pending. More

The Applicant is Crisis Coalition in Zimbabwe Trust, a trust that has been registered as such in terms of the laws of this country. The respondent is Superintendent G. Moyo, N.O. the Harare District Regulatory Authority in terms of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act [Chapter 11. 23]. This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicant is seeking an interim interdict against the first respondent so that he and all acting under or through him will not interfere with the applicant intended public meeting scheduled for 12 August 2022. The application was filed on 11August 2022 but the... More

The applicant, a duly registered company has approached this court seeking a compelling order, ordering the respondent to deliver their courtesy vehicle a Ford Ranger, T6, Single Cab, Registration Number, AFN 0119, within 7 days of the date of service upon her of the order. The application is opposed with respondent mounting a counterclaim apportioning liability to the resultant damages to her vehicle as allegedly having been caused by the negligence on the applicant. More

Sometime in September 2019 the applicant and the 1st respondent entered into a written contract in terms of which the latter authorised the applicant to carry out mining activities onthe said mining location,foundwithin a mine calledPrince 3 mine, Registration Number 15124BM. In return the applicant agreed to pay a royalty fee of 18% of the value of the ore it so mined. It was a further term of the contract that it would subsist for a period of sixty months calculated from the date of its signing renewable at the conclusion of that initial period should the parties soagreed.The 2nd... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court (the court a quo) which allowed two appeals filed in that court by the first and second respondents in terms of s 98 (10) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. It set aside the two awards made in favour of the appellant and in their place substituted them with an order dismissing the appellant`s claims before the arbitrator. More

Both respondents are incorporated in terms of the laws of this country and are sister companies. The second respondent is a medical aid society while the first respondent is its investment vehicle. For quite some time the appellant was the second respondent’s Chief Executive Officer, a position he vacated prior to the commencement of the proceedings forming the basis of this appeal. On 27 March 2018, the appellant brought a court application in the court a quo for a declaratory order to the effect that he was the holder of ten million shares, representing a 20% shareholding in the first... More