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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Applicants in this case are leaning on a slender reed. In fact, it take a measure of extreme boldness to bring an application of this nature with the hope that somehow the court would entertain the matter and grant the relief sought. More

Applicants filed what they term “Chamber Application For The Removal Of H. Bhikha Enterprises Pvt Ltd Trading As Tilus From Judicial Management.” According to the 1st applicant’s Founding Affidavit, the basis of the application is that; “1. H. Bhikha Enterprises Pvt Ltd has paid all its approved creditors. 2. H. Bhikha Enterprises Pvt Ltd is now a going concern. Its liabilities are no longer exceeding its assets. 3. The court order that is order No. HC 3343/17 has been fulfilled and consequently H. Bhikha Enterprises Pvt Ltd trading as Tilus Supermarket must be discharged from Judicial Management.” In that regard,... More

1. This is a chamber application for a mandamus.In his founding affidavit the applicant avers that he is seeking an order to compel the respondents to pay his salary dating back from January 2016 to May 2021. The total claimed is $3 200 000.00. He avers that he is entitled to the amount claimed on the basis of a Supreme Court order in Police Service Commission and Ors v Manyoni SC 7/22. More

After hearing parties in thiscase, I granted the order declaring the process leading to the sale of a certain piece of land owned by the second respondent unlawful. A request for the written reasons was made for the purpose of an appeal. The applicants are duly registered entities in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The first respondent is a local authority established in terms of the Urban Councils Act. The second respondent is a duly incorporated company operating in Harare. More

The appellant and another champion of women and children’s causes and rights approached the High Court seeking in the public interest, an order the main thrust of which was to declare the criminal law which governs the age of consent to sexual activities unconstitutional. The second applicant a quo did not apply for condonation for the late filing of this appeal, which the appellant successfully did. Whilst the second applicant a quo is not before us, where relevant and unavoidable, reference shall be made to the averments that she made. Further and for convenience, where reference is made to the... More

All the 19 plaintiffs who are members of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union for the Eastern Region (ZCTU) are claiming from the 3 defendants jointly and severally the following: a) Payment in the total sum of ZWL $38 million broken as follows: (i) $500 000 for unlawful arrest for each (ii) $500 000 for unlawful detention for each (iii) $1 000 000 for malicious prosecution against the defendants b) Interest thereon at the prescribed rate from the date of issue of summons to date of full and final payment. c) Costs of suit on a legal practitioner-client scale. On... More

The plaintiff and the defendant were married on 9 June 2000 at Harare in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11]. Their marriage was blessed with two children, a son aged 20 years and a daughter aged 14 years. Due to irreconcilable differences on 4 April 2017 the plaintiff issued summons out of this court for a decree of divorce and ancillary relief. The Defendant defended the matter and filed a counterclaim.In seeking the dissolution of the marriage the plaintiff alleged that the marriage relationship between the parties has irretrievably broken down to such an extent that there are no... More