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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 25 June 2021 plaintiff issued summons against defendant claiming: (a) a sum of US$140 000.00 or its Zimbabwe dollar equivalent being cost of replacing an immovable property No. 2657 Aspindale Gated Community, Harare measuring 200 square metres which plaintiff lost to a third party. (b) a sum of US$6 500.00 or its Zimbabwe dollar equivalent being money expended by plaintiff in legal fees when attempting to enforce the agreement entered into with defendant in case number HC 221/21. (c) interest at the prescribed rate calculated from date of judgment to date of full payment. (d) costs of suit on... More

This is an appeal against a decision by the magistrates’ court in which the appellant had made an application for upward variation of maintenance in respect of the child Makomborero Setu Andre Mhiribidi from the subsisting amount of ZW$ 10 000.00 to ZW$ 50 000.00. The court a quo varied the amount of maintenance to ZW$ 25 000.00. The appellant and the respondent were in a relationship which led to the birth of the child in question on 23 October 2018. More

At the base of a multi-layered series of interloculocutory applications lies the quest by applicant to set aside a confirmed judicial salein execution. The subject of that sale is her former matrimonial home, a property in which she claims (and seeks to rescue) a 50% undivided share. The property was attached and sold in 2015, and eventually transferred to first respondent in 2019. In that regard, applicant approached this court seeking leave to file out of time, an objection to the confirmation of that sale by second respondent. That application was opposed by first respondent who later moved the court... More

The first applicant is a retired member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. The remaining applicants are all serving members of the organization. All four of them appeared before the second respondent, the trial officer, facing the charge of contravening para 34 as read with para 11 of the Schedule to the Police Act [Chapter 11.10]. They pleaded not guilty to the charge and raised an exception. The exception was to the effect that the charge, as framed, did not disclose an offence. They argued, in pursuance of the exception, that the two circulars under which they were charged were not... More

I heard this application on 16 May 2022. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I granted the applicant’s prayer as contained in her draft order. On 23 May 2022 the respondent wrote requesting written reasons for my decision. My reasons are these: The applicant who is an ex-constable in the Zimbabwe Republic Police was charged under para 35 of the Schedule to the Police Act and was convicted. She appealed to the first respondent who is the Police Commissioner-General. He dismissed her appeal but did not furnish her with reasons for the dismissal of her appeal. He convened... More

This is a court application for review of the respondents’ decision to discharge the applicant from the Police Service as being unfit for Police Duties as he was found to be a stammer and had serious communication problems. More

This judgment is to be read together with the judgment HH 417-22 which was delivered on 28 June 2022 dealing with a point in limine raised by the respondent to effect that the application ought to be dismissed because there are material disputes of fact not capable of resolution. In that judgment, I set out the facts on which this application is based. It was necessary to do so because the court could not have properly determined whether the applicant’s case was comprised of irresolvable material disputes of facts without setting out the facts of the case and considering them.... More