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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application lodged in terms of r 32 of the Constitutional Court Rules, 2016, for leave to appeal against the whole judgment of the Supreme Court (the court a quo) handed down on 14 January 2022 as Judgment No. S-01-2022. The decision of the court a quo had dismissed the applicant’s appeal against the judgment of the High Court in Case No. HC 2302/20. More

The applicant approached this court in terms of r 31 of the High Court Rules, 2021 where he is seeking the dismissal of the respondent’s action instituted under case number HC 7235/20 on the basis that it is frivolous and vexatious More

A chamber application was filed with this Court by the second and third respondents under HC 186/21. The application was granted as follows: - “1. The application for appointment of curator and litem be and is hereby granted. 2. MELLANIA GWAIKWA be and is hereby appointed curator ad litem for and in respect of FORBES MAROWA a mentally ill person in litigation under Zvishavane case number 98/21 and in any such case as may relate to Forbes Marowa’s disposal of house number 4009 Mandava Township Zvishavane. 3.The office of the said curator ad litem shall terminate upon finalisation of any... More

1. This is an appeal against both the conviction and sentence 2. The appellant was, following a full trial, convicted on a charge of criminal abuse of duty as a public officer as defined in s 174 (1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Criminal Law Code). 3. He was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment of which 18 months imprisonment was suspended on condition he paid restitution in the sum of US$25 228 on or before 30 April 2022. The sentence was passed on 18 February 2022. More

CHIKOWERO J and I heard oral submissions on the law in this matter because the law requires a judge to seek the concurrence of another judge before correcting proceedings of the lower court or tribunal. Where oral submissions are made, it is desirable for both judges to be present in case the Judges may both and each require clarification by counsel. More

The applicant approached this court on an urgent basis for spoliatory relief and adeclaratur. During the proceedings the applicant abandoned the claim for a declaratur. After hearing parties I granted the order for spoliation. The applicant has requested for reasons for purposes of an appeal The applicant is a mining company duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The respondent is an adult with full capacity. The parties are embroiled in a dispute in respect of a mining site in the Kitsi area, Bindura ‘the property’ More

Before me is an action for eviction of the defendant by the plaintiff. These proceedings were brought to court as a stated case in terms of rule 52 of the High Court Rules, 2021. The facts giving rise to the dispute in casu are that on 1 December 2009, the plaintiff and defendant entered into the employment contract, which appears on pages 1-5 of the consolidated bundle of documents. Clause 10 of this contract reads as follows: “The employee will have the benefit of an unfurnished company house, if a house is available and at the discretion of management. The... More