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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a common law application for rescissionof judgment. This application was initially brought by 181 applicants. All except applicant failed to file supporting affidavits to the application resulting in them withdrawing their applications. The applicant is a former employee of second respondent. The first respondent is a former director and operations manager of second respondent. The Registrar was cited in his official capacity and did not oppose the application. More

This is a claim for the recovery of several sums of money in damages emanating from a horrendous head on collision between a minibus owned by the plaintiff (the commuter omnibus) and a heavy “HOWO” truck (“the HOWO truck”) belonging to the 2nd defendant. Horrendous in that the accident claimed the lives of several people aboard the minibus. The claim is predicated on plaintiff’s assertion that the collision was caused entirely through the negligence of the driver of the HOWO truck. The 1st and 3rd defendants are the driver of the HOWO truck and the 2nd defendant’s insurers respectively. More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant seeks the following order: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Respondent shall return the laptops and all documents and files in (sic) unlawfully seized and removed from the applicant’s premises on the 28th of October 2022. 2. The respondent shall bear costs of this application.” More

On 20 March 2020, plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming an order for divorce and ancillary relief. The defendant filed an appearance to defend and plea and the matter proceeded to pre-trial. At the pre-trial hearing, it was clear that the marriage relationship had irretrievably broken down and there was no prospect of its restoration. There was no dispute as to the custody of the minor child of the marriage. The plaintiff conceded to all the defendant’s demands regarding matrimonial property. The only two sticking issues were maintenance and access in respect to the child. These were referred to... More

I heard this application on 14 June, 2022. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I struck the case off the roll with costs. On 1 August, 2022 the registrar of this court wrote advising me that the applicant appealed my decision. He requested reasons for the same for purposes of the appeal. My reasons are these: The applicant, which are six housing co-operatives, were sued by the respondent, the City of Harare, seeking to evict their respective members and them from its Lot 2 of Parkridge Estate which is commonly known a Paddock 27, Crowborough Farm, Harare. In... More

1. This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 8 September 2020, declaring “that payment by the applicant (respondent) of the sum of RTGS$235 620,99 together with interest at the prescribed lending rate calculated from 19 February, 2020 to the date of final payment shall be the full and final settlement of the respondent’s (appellant’s) debt.” More

On 13 August 2020, the parties appeared before me in an urgent chamber application for stay of execution filed by the applicants. The salient facts are that, on 3 February 2020, the parties appeared before JUSTICE TSANGAunder HC 670/20 after the first respondent filed an urgent chamber application. An interim order was granted with the following operative part: “INTERIM RELIEF SOUGHT That pending the return date, the applicant is granted the following relief: 1. The respondent be and is hereby ordered to within 48 hours of the granting of this order return to the applicant’s possession the following property: (a)... More