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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for leave to appeal against a decision of the Supreme Court handed down on 25 November 2021. Holding that there was no proper appeal before it, the Supreme Court struck from its roll the appeal that the applicant had noted against a judgment of the High Court. Using its review powers, the Supreme Court proceeded to set aside the proceedings of the High Court. In doing so, it held that the High Court did not have the requisite jurisdiction to determine the matter as it did or at all. More

This is an application for condonation of failure to file a notice of appeal within the time prescribed by r 38 of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 and extension of time within which to appeal. More

This is an application for an order declaring the respondent’s alleged position that Zimbabwe dollar input tax cannot be offset against United States dollar denominated output tax at the prevailing interbank rate in computing value added tax in terms of s 15 and s 28, as read together with s 38(4) of the Value Added Tax Act [Chapter 23:12] to be unlawful and for the respondent to be ordered to re-assess the applicant’s value added tax obligations “for the relevant periods” in accordance with s 15, 28 and 38(4) “as declared herein”. The substance of the relief being sought by... More

This is an appeal against bail refusal. The appellant is appearing before the magistrates court at Harare facing a charge of money laundering as defined in s 8(2) of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act [Chapter 9:24]. The allegations are these. On 8 October 2021 the appellant, acting in connivance with one Paminus Mutengo (Mutengo) opened two visa card accounts at separate branches of Banc ABC in Harare. He opened the accounts in his own name whereupon he furnished the account details, the personal identification numbers as well as handed over the visa cards to Mutengo. More

1. This is an urgent application. This application was filed during vacation. It was first set-down before MOYO J and the Judge directed as follows: that the matter is removed from the roll to enable 1st respondent to file opposing papers no later than 26 April 2022; the matter will then be placed before the next duty judge for set-down; and that the applicant can serve 1st respondent with the notice of set down and file a certificate of service. This matter was then placed before when I assumed my vacation duty. More

This is an application brought to this court in terms of section 4 (1) of the Administrative Justice Act Chapter 10:28. It is an application to set aside the determination by the Master of the High Court (herein cited as 1st respondent), wherein on 8th of August 2019, she declared the last Will and Testament of the Late Tulli Ndlovu Mathiya as void due to a subsequent customary law union that he contracted with the 2nd respondent, namely Lomangwe Ndiweni. More

This is an application for an order setting aside the decision by the respondent to forfeit the applicant’s 3 trucks and tankers.Sometime in July 2020, the applicant was contracted by an entity called Lopdale Energy (Pvt) Ltd to ferry a consignment of fuel from Mozambique to Zimbabwe. On 17 July 2020, the applicant’s drivers were served with notices of seizure issued against their 3 trucks. More