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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 5 July, 2022 the first respondent, the City of Harare, clamped the applicant’s motor vehicle with registration number AFS 0365. He had parked it in Angwa Street, Harare as he went into the Deeds Office for business. More

The following facts are largely common cause. On 11 January 2019, the applicant signed an acknowledgment of debt in favour of the respondent in the sum of USD$384 177. The applicant undertook to pay the amount by 20 March 2019. He failed to pay the debt. The respondent issued summons against the applicant on the basis of the acknowledgement of debt. On 12 December 2019, summary judgment was entered in the respondent’s favour for payment of the sum of US$ 384 177.00, or its equivalent with interest at the prevailing interbank rate. More

(1) This matter was placed before me as an opposed application. On the 20th of July 2015, the applicant pursuant to an action matter filed under case number HC 412/13, obtained judgment in the sum of US$53 301.00 with interest and costs of suit against first respondent. By way of a letter dated the 6th of April 2016, the first respondent notified the applicant that it was committed to reaching a permanent settlement of the matter. Further that it had residential stands that it could give. These were described as seven high density residential stands measuring 200 square metres each... More

This is an urgent chamber application to interdict the first and second respondents from selling a certain piece of land situated in the District of Harare known as No. 34 Arcturus Road, Highlands, Harare held under Deed of transfer No. 3496/09, measuring 4334 square metres (herein after referred to as the property) to any other person without offering the said property to the applicant first. More

The first and second applicants are elected councilors for Wards 17 and 24 forHarare and Bulawayo City Councils respectively. They were elected into office in July 2018 on tickets of a political party called the People’s Democratic Party(PDP)which contested the elections under a coalition of political parties going by the moniker MDC-A.First applicant is also the mayor of Harare. More

ZISENGWE J: Theapplicant seeks the eviction of the respondent from certain residential premises situated in the Midlands city of Kwekwe. The said property was identified by the parties as Stand Number 190 Queque Township and is also known as 19 Burma Road Newton, Kwekwe (hereinafter referred to as “the property”). The applicant, a company duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe, avers in the main that it is the registered owner of the property and produced the deed of transfer to that effect. It claims that the respondent took occupation of the property in 2015 and has remained... More

At the centre of this dispute is property Stand, 1577 Highfields Township, Harare, registered in the name of Ragison Mabika, now deceased. The first respondent is the widow and surviving spouse of the deceased. She was duly appointed the Executor of the estate. After registering the deceased’s estate with the inclusion of the above property, letters of administration where subsequently issued. Following due process, the first respondent then sold the property to the second respondent and is in the process of transferring the same to the current purchaser. More