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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicants were charged and convicted of robbery as defined in section 126 (2) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23) by a Regional Magistrate sitting at Gwanda on 28th October 2021. Applicants were each sentenced to 10 years imprisonment of which 2 years were suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of future good conduct. Dissatisfied with both conviction and sentence applicants filed an appeal with this court. The applicants now make an application for bail pending appeal. The application is opposed by the state. More

In this contested application, applicant vies for the confirmation of a provisional order whilst the respondents pray for its discharge. Apparently, applicant sought an interim order by way of an urgent chamber application for the suspension of the respondents’ mining activities and operations on Plot G, Greydine Farm, Tiger Reef, Kwekwe. Applicant is the holder of occupation and agricultural rights on the property on one hand. More

. This is an application for a declaratur and consequential relief arising out of a sale of property belonging to the applicant. The applicant is a female adult who can sue in her capacity. The first respondent is a Trust registered in terms of the laws ofZimbabwe. The second respondent is a male adult. The third and fourth respondents are cited in their official capacity. More

The parties to these divorce proceedings are resigned to the fact that their marriage relationship has irretrievably broken down and therefore that their marriage should be dissolved. The cause of this matrimonial disharmony is however contested, whereas the plaintiff attributes the same alleged incessant and unfounded accusations (which he does notelaborate) and general harassment at the hands of the defendant, the latter however, ascribes the breakdown to plaintiff’s alleged sexual indiscretions and philandering ways coupled with a deprivation of the expected consortium omnis vitae. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The applicant is facing a charge of murder it being alleged that on the 1st of January 2022 he caused the death of Constance Chitete by drowning her in a sewage pond with the intention to kill her or the realization that she may die. The allegations are that the 2 had a misunderstanding and accused then through his actions drowned the deceased in the sewage pond. More

The history of this case is checkered. The applicant was arrested on 21 March 2018 and charged with the crime of murder as defined in s47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was indicted for trial in the High court on 27 January 2020. His trial commenced without incident, before Honourable Justice Ndewere. In between his initial appearance in court and the commencement of trial, the applicant had unsuccessfully applied for admission to bail. The trial progressed to the point when the defence closed its case. Sometime in May 2020, the court directed both... More

[ 1] Applicant is a constitutional entity responsible for the administration of the judicial service in Zimbabwe. Respondent is a former Judge of the High Court of Zimbabwe. She was removed from office on 17 June 2021 in circumstances briefly outlined below. Her removal triggered a series of legal suits between respondent, applicant and various other parties related to, or associated with applicant. [ 2] This duplicity in litigation is reflected in the case of another former Judge of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe, Mr. Francis Bere. The various disputes between Mr. Bere and the present applicant... More