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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The application has been brought before this court in terms of Section 31 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06] as read with Rule 95 of the High Court Rules, 2021. The applicant is seeking the relief couched in the following way: “1. Within 10 days of the grant hereof the first respondent shall return to the fourth respondent the record dated 26 October 2020. 2. The fourth respondent shall set down for hearing case No. CIV”A” 43/20 within 10 days of receipt of the record from the first respondent. More

On the 25th of August 2022, I granted a provisional order with the following interim relief: “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The 2nd respondent be and is hereby ordered to restrain from any action whatsoever on, or with respect to, the piece of land called the remaining extent of Stuhm situated in the District of Goromonzi in Mashonaland East Province measuring 583.1360 hectares until the matter under HC 5231/22 matter (sic) is finalized. 2. The 1st, 2nd and... More

MUZOFA J: After hearing parties, I dismissed the application with costs. The applicants have requested for written reasons for purposes of appeal. The applicants are husband and wife. They purchased two plots known as Plot Number 117 and 118 of Halfway Farm Kadoma ‘the property’ from the first respondent. Two agreements of sale were signed. The first applicant signed the agreement in respect of Plot 117 and the second applicant signed the agreement in respect of Plot 118. The second respondent is a registered company that facilitated the sale transaction. Its role in the sale transaction was that of an... More

The parties were once in a love relationship. Two residential stands, 734 and 735, Hatfield Township, of Lot 74A of Block C of Hatfield Estate were jointly purchased and registered in both their names during the tenure of their affair. Somehow, along the way their relationship lost steam and they parted ways. By mutual agreement, the plaintiff relinquished his rights in property stand 735 by deregistering his title, leaving the defendant as the sole registered owner. The same did not apply to property stand number 734, where the plaintiff held on to his co-ownership and proceeded to process the subdivision... More

This is a property dispute emanating from an agreement of sale concluded between the parties in September 2003. The plaintiff’s claim, as amended, is for damages in the sum of US$63,000 (being the cost of obtaining a similar property) or repayment of the sum of US$42,000 (being the total amount paid by the plaintiff to the defendant). More

The applicant, a holder of mining rights in Zhombe, defaulted in submitting the statutory inspection fees resulting in the forfeiture of her mining claims by the first and second respondents. The claim against the third respondent was withdrawn during the course of the parties’ reciprocal pleadings. More

This is an urgent chamber application for leave to execute pending appeal. The background facts are these:- The applicants obtained judgment (HB 280/21) in their favour in case number HB 1917-21. The respondents were found to have despoiled the applicants when they took occupation of 145 hectares at Esidakeni Farm on the basis of an offer letter but without following due process with regards to the eviction of the applicants who were in peaceful and undisturbed occupation of the property. The effect of the judgment was to order the respondents’ eviction from the farm on the basis that they ought... More