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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant is an association composed of a group of residents of Knowe Housing Development based in the town of Norton. It comprises of individual members who bought stands from the first respondent. More

On 21 October 2019, the applicant was convicted (after a full trial) by a Regional Magistrate at Marondera for contravening section 65 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23) (“rape”). He was sentenced to 18years imprisonment, 2 years of which were suspended for 5 years on condition that he does not during that period commit an offence of a sexual nature for which he is sentenced to a term of imprisonment without the option of a fine.The applicant did not appeal against conviction and sentence within the time allowed by the law.He has now filed a chamber... More

This is an appeal against the decision by first respondent to cancel Appellant’s Mining Certificate and to suspend its mining activities as well as the second respondent’s recommendation to cancel the same certificate. More

On 4 May 2021 the courtgranted the following order with the consent of the parties: “IT IS ORDERED BY CONSENT THAT: 1 The 1st respondent be and is hereby interdicted from constructing permanent structures, installing any irrigation infrastructure and planting any crops on subdivision 5 of Carnsmore Farm, Mazowe until the action in case number C148/2020 filed at Concession Magistrates Court by the applicant is finalised. 2 1st respondent to pay costs of suit.” The court proceeded to give an ex-tempore judgment. Written reasons have been requested. These are they. The applicant filed an Urgent Chamber Application for the following... More

The applicants are facing one count of robbery. The allegations are that on the 24th of April 2022 the applicants in the company of seven other accomplices still at large hired a silver Nissan caravan registration number ADC 7476 from one Simbarashe Jabangwe. They were armed with an unknown type of a firearm. They wore camouflage. They proceeded toa mine known as Golden Etolpacks, ARDA Endeavour Mhangura where they threatened the security guards, tied their hands and legs and took their cellphones. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. I heard this application on 20 July 2022 and I dismissed it ex tempore. Applicant has requested for written reasons. Here are they:- More

This record of proceedings has been endlessly shuffled between Harare High Court and Masvingo High Court since the conviction and sentence of the accused and his co-accused in 2019. More