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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
1. This is an application for a declaratory order. Applicant seeks an order couched in the following terms: i. That the sale and transfer of applicant’s property namely stand number 11294A Bulawayo Township measuring 4, 674 square metres also known as number 2B Bristol Road, South Belmont, Bulawayo to the 1st respondent under Deed of Transfer No. 1746/2019 are hereby declared fraudulent therefore null and void with no force and effect. More

This matter was referred to me as one ready for a pre-trial conference in terms of r 49 (8). I then instructed that the parties should appear before me for a pre-trial conference on 30 September 2022 at 10.30 am. Though such pre-trial conferences are usually held in chambers, I arranged for the holding of this pre-trial conference in court so that it could be recorded. This was because of the state of the record and the apparent history of the matter. More

The plaintiff and defendant were married to each other at Harare on 12 February 1988 in terms of the Marriages Act, [Cap 5:11]. Their marriage was blessed with two children of whom only one is still a minor. The minor child was born on the 11 March 1995. More

The applicant, Tendai Biti (“Biti”) is leader of the People’s Democratic Part and Vice – President of the Movement for Democratic Change- Alliance. He filed this application under s 27 of the High Court Act as read with r 62 of the High Court Rules, 2021. He is reviewing the decision of the magistrate who, on 31 August 2018 and sitting at Harare: More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Administrative Court (‘the court a quo’) dated 25 September 2020 in which the court granted an application sought by the first to fifth respondents (‘the respondents’) for condonation of late noting of appeal and extension of time to note an appeal against a decision to issue a permit to the appellants. More

[1] The applicant stands barred in a matter wherein he seeks declaratory relief. The cause of his bar is failure to file heads of argument in terms of rule 42 (9) of the High Court Rules SI 202/20. The application is opposed by respondent who also raised in limine, the protest that applicant filed and withdrew a similar application. More

Sometime in 2015, the first respondent decided to outsource the management of some of its premium hotels and selected the appellant to manage its hotels. On or about 18 September 2015, the parties entered into a management agreement (“the agreement”) to regulate their business relationship in terms of which appellant was to render management services to the first respondent’s hotels. The agreement was amended and re-signed on 10 October 2015. Thereafter the agreed services were delivered by the appellant. More