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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondent is an administrative authority tasked with the duty and obligation to collect taxes and other statutory dues under various legislative instruments. In particular, the respondent is mandated to collect income tax in terms of the Income Tax Act [Chapter 23:06] (“Act”). More

Background Applicant acted as village head in 2006. He was made substantive in 2009. In 2011 applicant was suspended pending alleged misconduct. On 13 June 2012 applicant was reinstated to his position as village head without loss of benefits. After that 2012 reinstatement no documents pertaining to his misconduct as village head was served on him. On 9 September 2021 applicant received a letter from the District Development Coordinator addressed to Chief Marange advising the chief about the removal of applicant as village head and his replacement with second respondent Edward Marange. The letter does not state the reasons for... More

The first respondent is a company in which the applicant and the second, third and fourth respondents are presented as the shareholders. The second respondent holds 70 percent shareholding while each of the other three holds 10 percent of the shares. The shareholding structure is contained in an agreement signed by the parties. In 2007 the first respondent was allocated tracts of land by the Government through the relevant Ministry. The land was meant for the development of residential properties, industrial use, commercial use, and for the construction of a hotel. The land was registered in the name of the... More

This application is one where the respondent should suffer for its own sins as well as for the sins of its own legal practitioners. Its attitude to its case speaks volumes of its confused state of mind. The dilatory manner in which its legal practitioners handled its side of the application shows nothing but a do not care disposition to their duty towards the court and their client. The legal practitioners decided to, and did actually, sleep whilst they were on duty. Their conduct was, at best, one of indifference and, at the worst, a clearly unquestionable dereliction of duty. More

This is an appeal by a teacher. It is against the decision of the Civil Service Commission of Zimbabwe wherein it found the appellant guilty of the misconduct of improper association with a pupil and imposed a penalty of dismissal. The appeal is against both conviction and the penalty. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The application is opposed. The applicant is facing allegations of contravening section 189 as read with section 47 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23) that is attempted murder. Applicant faces a second count of malicious damage to property in contravention of section 140 of the Code. He faces a third count of unlawful entry into premises in violation of section 131 (2) of the Code and a fourth count of assault as defined in section 89 of the Code. Applicant denies the allegations and avers that he was... More

Applicant seeks the setting aside of a judgment entered in her absence. She also pursues, as consequential relief, joinder to the same proceedings in HC 1202/21. The application is brought under rule 29 of the High Court Rules SI 202/21 (rule 449 of the old High Court Rules 1971). Applicant`s claim herein is based on what she describes as her direct and substantial interest, as a lessee, in a farm from where she now faces eviction. More