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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant is a Zimbabwean national who was previously resident in the neighboring country of Botswana having been so resident there for some fifteen years. He is aggrieved by the forfeiture and disposal by the 1st respondent of one of the two motor vehicles he was desirousof bringing into Zimbabwe upon his relocation from Botswana in October 2017. He claims that this motor vehicle (a Toyota Coaster Minibus with Registration No. B 571 BEB) (hereinafter referred to as the “motor vehicle”) was improperly, irregularly and corruptly disposed of by official of the 1st respondent stationed at Plumtree boarder post (the... More

This is a court application in which the applicant seeks specific performance drawn in the following terms: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Within seven days from the date of service of this order by the Sheriff of Zimbabwe the respondent shall deliver 25 200, 50 kg bags of PC 15 cement, at the applicant’s address office No. 15 1st Floor Plumpton Chambers, Hebert Chitepo Street, Mutare, failure of which the Sheriff of Zimbabwe with or without the assistance of the Zimbabwe Republic Police and (sic) is hereby authorized to effect this order. 2. That the respondent shall pay costs of... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 21 June 2021 which dismissed the appellant’s appeal against the decision to dismiss him from employment. At the hearing of the appeal the court heard both the preliminary points raised by MrNkomo for the respondent and the merits of the appeal and reserved judgment. The preliminary points taken are that the appeal made to the court a quo was incompetent and ought to have failed for that reason. In addition, counsel for the respondent submitted that there were reviewable irregularities which vitiated the proceedings in the... More

1. At the conclusion of the hearing of this matter I handed down an ex tempore judgment and dismissed this application. I did so to facilitate the start of applicant’s criminal trial before the Regional Court, because I had noted from the submissions of Mr Tashaya counsel for the applicant that this application was being used to derail or stall the start of the trial. Notwithstanding that none of the parties had asked for written reasons, I decided to furnish them nonetheless. More

This is an appeal against the refusal of bail pending appeal by the magistrate in the court a quo, made in terms of s 121(1)(6) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act (Chapter 9:07). The appeal is opposed by the state on the grounds that the appellant had failed to show that the court a quo committed an irregularity or that it exercised its discretion unreasonably. More

The appellant appeared before a Provincial Magistrate at Plumtree on the 7th of August 2020, facing allegations of smuggling in contravention of section 182 (2) of the Customs and Excise Act (Chapter 23:02). The appellant pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment with 1 year suspended for 5 years on condition of good behaviour. More

3. The appellant is a registered commercial bank operating in Zimbabwe. The first respondent is a private company registered in accordance with the laws of Zimbabwe. The third to seventh respondents are private individuals who bound themselves as sureties and co-principal debtors in respect of a loan granted to the first respondent. The second respondent is a private limited company duly incorporated in Zimbabwe. 4. The appellant issued summons against the respondents on 13 March 2017 for the payment of US$ 368 706.62 being capital and US$ 20 654.10 being interest on the sum of US$ 368 706.62 at the... More