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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision by the respondent’s appeals tribunal which upheld the decision to find the appellant guilty of acts of misconduct and to dismiss him from employment. When the matter was initially set down, there were preliminary points raised which were disposed of by the Court see order number LC/H/ORD/347/2022. The appellant was grieved and sought leave to appeal against the Court’s decision to the Supreme Court. Leave was granted and the matter was referred to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court declined to deal with the appeal at that juncture preferring to deal with the... More

The applicant was arraigned before a Regional Magistrate’s Court sitting at Bulawayo facing a charge of contravening section 65 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act Chapter 9:23. He was convicted and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment of which 3 years were wholly suspended for 5 years on condition accused does not within that period commit any offence of a sexual nature. The State alleged that on a date unknown to the prosecutor but during the period extending from 2019 to 2020, and at house number 729 Jacaranda, Gwanda, the accused person had sexual intercourse with Precious Mpunzi, a... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court, which dismissed the appellant’s application for setting aside an arbitral award made by the second respondent. More

This is an application in terms of r 43 (1) of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 (the Rules) for the condonation of non-compliance with r 38 (1) of the Rules and for extension of time within which to appeal. The applicant seeks to appeal the judgment of the High Court handed down as judgment number HH 452/21. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order interdicting the first respondent from carrying out any exploration and or mining operations including excavating, extracting and carting away coal or any other mineral from the Reserved area 1035 (RA1035) measuring 56 203 hectares and the area covered by Special Grant 849 in the Bulawayo mining district. On the return date the applicants seek an order declaring that the first respondent has no right to prospect and peg in the area referred to above and for first respondent and all persons claiming occupation through it to be ordered to vacate the... More

This is an application on notice of motion for leave to bring civil process against the respondent who is a sitting judge of this court. More

This is an urgent court application in which the applicant seeks the following relief: “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That the First Respondent shows cause why a final order should not be granted in the following terms: 1. The Application be and is hereby granted 2. The Execution of the Default Judgment granted on the 21st of June; 2022 under Case No MC 39520/16 against the Applicant be and is hereby stayed pending the determination of the Application for Rescission of Default Judgment under Case No SC 237/22 3. There shall be no order to costs More