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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant was served with a writ of execution which was issued on the 14 June 2023. The writ seeks to evict the applicant from Jilikin 25 Mine Registration 12641 BM. On 23 June 2023 the applicant approached this court on an urgent basis seeking the following interim order: The 1st respondent be and is hereby ordered to desist from carrying into execution the warrant of execution in favour of 2nd and 3rd respondents under HC 6457 in an area falling in Caradac Farm Gweru with the following coordinates (A) 36K0194080 UTM 7853780 (B) 36K0194360UTM 7853920 (C) 36K0194583 UTM 7853620... More

The parties divorced by an order of this court which awarded custody to the applicant herein. Sometime around 2018, respondent brought fresh proceedings in the Victoria Falls Magistrates Court wherein he sued for the custody of the 2 minor children. An order was then issued in the applicant’s absence in favour of respondent in that he was awarded custody rights over the 2 minor children by the Victoria Falls Magistrates Court. Applicant then seeks a declaration that the Magistrates Court order is invalid and consequently that it be set aside. More

Plaintiff and defendant married each other on 3 April 2013 in terms of the then Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11]. The marriage was blessed with three children, Mufaro Gumbo (born 2 March 2006), Rufaro Gumbo (born 2 March 2006) and Jesse Fortune Gumbo (born 27 May 2011). On 13 May 2020 plaintiff sued out summons for divorce and ancillary relief. She stated in her declaration that the relationship between the parties has irretrievably broken down to such an extent that there is no reasonable prospect of the restoration of a normal marriage relationship between the parties. She claimed to have suffered... More

2. The appellant is a company duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The respondent is the executrix dative of the estate of the late Tererai Terance Muridzo (the deceased). The appellant and the respondent entered into an instalment sale agreement of sale of a residential stand situated at Rydale Park, called Stand No. 3047, measuring 300 square metres (the stand). In terms of the agreement, the purchase price was the sum of US$18 500, payable by way of an initial deposit of US$5000 and the balance of US$13 500 payable in 24 monthly instalments of US$563 on... More

CORRIGENDUM After the release of the order in this case Order No LC/H/ORD/376/19 it has been noted that paragraph 3 of that order erroneously refers to $12904 instead of $1204. The order is accordingly corrected to read $1204 in paragraph 3 instead of $12904. More

After the release of the order in this case Order No LC/H/ORD/376/19 it has been noted that paragraph 3 of that order erroneously refers to $12904 instead of $1204. The order is accordingly corrected to read $1204 in paragraph 3 instead of $12904. More

On 31 May 2022, after hearing oral submissions by counsels, I dismissed the applicant’s application with costs on a higher scale in an extempore judgment. The applicant has asked for written reasons following the noting of an appeal. The following are the reasons. More