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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant is a limited liability company registered and incorporated in terms of the laws of the Republic of Panama. It has its head office or principal place of business in Switzerland. The first respondent was one of the directors of Myramar Farming (Pvt) Ltd (Myramar), a limited liability company, registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. On 3 April and 31 July 2012, the appellant extended loans to Myramar in the sums of US$ 845.000.00 and US$ 400.000.00 respectively. As security for these loans, the first respondent, together with six others, bound themselves as sureties and co-principal debtors... More

As background to the matter, parties submitted that after the 16/3/18 SC 357/16 order parties filed with the court a quantification application whose fate could not be sealed since all papers pertaining to same were lost when the Labour Court moved offices from Bristol house to the Rotten Row Labour Court building. In the instant application the applicant seeks 9 months back pay, 30 months damages, medical aid, pension and motor vehicle allowance. At the onset of the hearing the applicant dropped the medical aid claim and the motor vehicle allowance claim thus effectively leaving for determination the question of... More

At the onset of oral argument in this matter respondents raised 2 points in limine which applicant opposed. Thes points are: 1. That the application was filed prematurely: 2. That applicant does not have the right to file the application for review More

Applicant applied to this Court for the review of the determination by Respondent’s appeals committee which dismissed his appeal against the decision of the disciplinary committee. The application was made in terms of Section 92EE of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 as read with Rule 20 of the Labour Court Rules S.I. 150/17. More

The applicants approached this court for a review of the decision of the first respondent to cancel their lease agreement which was issued under the land reform and resettlement programme. More

The applicant is a limited liability mining concern duly registered in terms of the company laws of Zimbabwe. The first respondent is the Mining Commissioner for the Midlands Province. He is a public officer and government bureaucrat cited in his official capacity as the authority responsible for issuing mining licences and permits among other responsibilities. The second respondent is the Secretary for Mines and Mining Development. He equally holds public office and is a government functionary. The third respondent is the Minister of Mines and Mining Development. He is cited in his official capacity as the authority responsible charged with... More

The Applicant’s mining blocks were prospected, pegged and registered in May 1964 giving it exclusive mining rights to approximately 3878 hectares of land situate in Mberengwa District. Within the same area, the applicant additionally holds a valid mining claim called Lith 15 (GM8172). For expediency, I will refer to the area to which the applicant lays claim as the Sandawana mining area. In October 1986 the Ministry of Mines reserved the Sandawana Mining area against prospecting. That reservation notice subsisted until 30 September 2022 when it was revoked. Another notice against prospecting in the same area was however issued on... More