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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
1. This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence. 2. The appellant was convicted of two counts of rape as defined in s 65(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

This is an application for rescission of a default judgment entered against the applicant employee in a labour dispute pitting it and the respondent employer. More

The appellant, in casu, appeals against the decision of the National hearing committee which found that the disciplinary proceedings against the respondent were irregular and therefore null and void. The facts of the matter are that the respondent was facing allegations of sexual harassment arising from unwelcome sexually determined behaviors that he had exhibited towards some female employees of the appellant. More

The applicant and one Phillip Chigumira, who is now deceased, were business partners with equal shareholding of 50% each in an entity called Maurizim Investments (Pvt) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Maurizim or the company). They acquired an immovable property called Stand 10245 measuring 2383 square metres (the property). The property was registered in the name of the company. Following the demise of the late Phillip Chigumira in 2011, his estate was registered with the second respondent under DR 1265/11. The first respondent was appointed the Executor Dative. More

This an urgent chamber application for stay of execution of the judgment granted in case number HC 4457/19. The interim relief is being sought pending determination of an application for joinder, which the applicant proposes to file within five days from the date of the provisional order. On the return date the applicant seeks an order for the permanent stay of execution of the order referred to above. More

The appellant was charged and convicted of four counts of robbery in terms of s126 of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act Chapter 9:23. He pleaded not guilty but was nevertheless convicted after a full trial. He was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment on each count to make a total of 16 years imprisonment, with 4 years suspended for 5 years on stated conditions. He is serving an effective 12 years imprisonment. He is appealing against both conviction and the sentence. More

1st and 2nd applicants were arrested by the police and arraigned before the court of the Regional Magistrate on a charge of smuggling as defined in s182 of the Customs and Excise Act (Chapter 23:03). The 3rd applicant is a juristic person and South African registered company which employs 1st and 2nd applicants. The two who were represented by their legal practitioners of record pleaded not guilty but were convicted of the offence charged and sentenced to undergo five years of imprisonment. The goods and heavy truck were forfeited to the State. More