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Court Judgements

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Accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 17th of May 2022 and at York Business Centre Mberengwa, he unlawfully caused the death of Musawenkosi Hungwe by striking him with a wooden log on the head three times. Accused denied the charge and instead tendered a limited plea to the charge of culpable homicide. The state accepted the limited plea and the parties drew and tendered a statement of agreed facts which was marked Exhibit 1. More

This matter was placed before me by the Registrar on automatic review. The accused was charged with contravening section 57 (a) of the Road Traffic Act Chapter 13:11 “ unlawful contact with a motor vehicle” in that on 25 June 2021 he used a T-shaped metal bar to open the front driver’s door locking device of a motor vehicle belonging to the CMED (Pvt) Ltd. Police officers spotted and arrested the accused in the act. He pleaded guilty and was convicted on his own plea. More

Accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 25th of May 2022 and at Zuva Tuckshop, Mazalayedwa, Gokwe South, accused caused the death of Simon Chikumbirike by hitting him with a log on the head and all over the body several times. The accused denied the charge and tendered a limited plea to a charge of culpable homicide. The state accepted the limited plea and drew and tendered a statement agreed facts. Also tendered was the accused’s confirmed warned and cautioned statement, post mortem report and the weapon that was allegedly used in the commission of... More

The accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 12th of December 2021, he assaulted his wife Silethokuhle Gumbo several times all over the body with a rubber whip, booted feet and open hands intending to kill Silethokuhle Gumbo or realizing that there is a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause the death of Silethokuhle Gumo but continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility. The accused denied the charge. He tendered a limited plea of guilty to the lessor charge of culpable homicide. More

Accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on a date unknown to the prosecutor between 1st and 20th June 2021, at Njini Village, Chief Sogwala, Lower Gweru, the accused person unlawfully caused the death of Cini Bhebhe using an unidentified instrument and thereby caused her death. The accused person pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. Both parties drew a statement of agreed facts, it was tendered and marked exhibit 1. More

The accused is charged with murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. The accused caused the death of Kujani Mudenda by assaulting her all over the body with a switch intending to kill her or realising the real risk or possibility that your conduct may cause death but continued nonetheless. The accused pleaded not guilty to this charge but tendered a plea of guilty to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. More

The accused faces a charge of murder it being alleged that on the 26th of April 2022 and at a bushy area in Mbangiso Village, he unlawfully caused the death of Mirriam Ncube by striking her with a stick once on the head and thereby causing her death. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder but instead offered a limited plea to a charge of culpable homicide. More