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Court Judgements

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The accused was arraigned before the Magistrate’s court sitting at Western Commonage, Bulawayo. He was charged with two counts. In count 1 he was charged with the crime of contravening s 42(2) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] (Criminal Law Code), it being alleged that on 23 July 2023 in a commuter omnibus he publicly uttered an insulting and grossly provocative statement targeting people of Shona ethnic group. In count 2 he was charged with the crime of assault as defined in s 89(1) (a) of the Criminal Law Code. He pleaded guilty and was convicted.... More

Progress Mangirandi, a female adult aged 30 years (herein after referred to as “the accused”), appeared before the court charged with the crime of Murder in contravention of s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9.23] (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”). Prosecution alleged that on 21 March 2020 at 4244 Glen Norah in Harare, she struck and kicked her husband Takawira Marumisa (hereinafter referred to as” the deceased”) with fists all over his body causing fatal injuries. More

The accused is charged with murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. He pleaded not guilty to the charge but tendered a limited plea of guilty to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. The state accepted the limited plea. The agreed facts are that the accused and the deceased were cousins. On 25 December 2021 the deceased was caught having sexual intercourse with the accused’s wife and was made to pay damages when the matter was reported to the village head. More

: Rangarirai Mafigu, (hereinafter referred to as the “accused”) faces a charge of murder in contravention of s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23], it being alleged that he murdered Chriswell Mafigu, (hereinafter referred to as the “deceased.”) The accused and deceased resided together at Plot 9, Range Farm, Centenary. According to the State’s allegations, on 14 November 2022, at approximately 1200hrs, an altercation between the accused and the deceased escalated into a physical fight. Sensing his own vulnerability, the accused resorted to throwing bricks at the deceased, narrowly missing him on both occasions. Subsequently,... More

The accused appeared before us charged with the crime of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The State alleged that on 19 December 2021 at Chifukura Village in Mudzi, he unlawfully and with intent to kill, or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause death, continued despite the risk and struck his biological father, Michael Matsoringa (the deceased) with a stone on the head thereby causing mortal injuries. More

The main issue in this matter is how the accused allegedly assaulted the now deceased leading to the now deceased’s death. The accused is facing the charge of murder as defined in section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] [the Criminal Law Code]. More

The haste with which the learned trial magistrate convicted the accused resulted in a serious misdirection in this matter. More