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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The parties in this matter married in 2008. They are agreed that their marriage has broken down and that a divorce ought to be granted. Whilst initially three issues were referred to trial, namely custody, maintenance and the sharing of the immovable property, at the time of the trial the parties had resolved issues relating to maintenance and custody of their minor children. On the issue of the immovable property they had also made significant head way in that they were both now agreed that each party has a 50% share in the property known as Stand 3451 Southlea Park... More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as an accounts administrator.She was also a member of the workers committee. She was charged with misconduct in terms of the Old Mutual Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure,(in particular s 15.9), for failure to fulfill the expressed or implied conditions of her contract of employment or any breach of the employment contract. The allegations against her were that during the morning of 9 July 2019 she misrepresented to and mobilized Old Mutual employees to gather in the Mutual Gardens canteen. This was on the pretext that the Human Capital Executive wanted to... More

Confronting this court is a dispute between two contestants vying for rights in property stand number 6390, Retreat Waterfalls, Harare. Applicant is seeking an order declaring him the lawful holder of rights in that property with the attendant consequential relief for the ejectment of the first respondent and all those occupying through him from the same. More

: This application is a constitutional challenge by the applicant who seeks a declaration of the invalidity of ss 193(12) and (13) of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 23:02] (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).In the same vein the applicant seeks that pending the determination of the Constitutional issue the second respondent be interdicted from disposing the applicant’s fuel truck Registration Number AFJ0870 and a trailer Registration number AFJ 9490 More

This is an appeal against part of the judgment of the Special Court for Income Tax Appeals handed down on 28 September 2020, dismissing the appellant’s appeal against the decision of the respondent’s Commissioner in respect of various objections the appellant had raised against the Commissioner’s revised assessments of tax against it. More

3. This application will be better understood against the background that follows. On the 16 July 2014 in case number HC 1043/14 Shonhiwa obtained an order in the sum of US$51 000.00 against the second applicant (Blessing Zibowa). Paragraph two of the order declared that Stand number 50 Southway Road, Burnside, Bulawayo (property) be specially executable by private treaty as it was pledged as security. On the 14th June 2017 Kenny obtained an order in the amount of US$14 500.00 against both the first and second applicants, for completeness the two are husband and wife. On the 30th August 2017... More

The applicants coined their application in the heading as “Court Application for condonation of late noting of an application for rescission and rescission of a default judgment in terms of r 29 of the High Court Rules, 2021.” In para 13 of the founding affidavit, the deponent who is the first applicant averred that the application was for “condonation for late noting of an application for default judgement, upliftment of a bar for failure to file heads of argument and an application for rescission of a default judgement in terms of r 29(1)(a) of the High Court Rules 2021.” Rule... More