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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant is seeking an interdict against the first and second respondents in respect of Stands 8112, and 8114 Warren Park Township of Warren Park, Harare. It wants the two respondents to be ordered to cease any construction operations, remove all construction equipment and not to interfere with its operations on these stands pending the finalisation of the legal proceedings in HCH 7008/23. More

Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment (for misconduct) by Respondent. The appeal is provided for by section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

This is an application for leave to produce an additional affidavit in terms of r 58(12) of the High Court Rules, 2021. The parties are embroiled in some dispute in a matter that is already pending before this court under HC 1968/21 (the main application). The first respondent is the applicant in that matter, while the second respondent is the first respondent. The applicant herein is the second respondent. In the main application, the first respondent seeks a mandamus to compel the second respondent herein to ensure that the applicant complies with its development permit. It also wants the second... More

The underlying issue in the review application before me relates to a blocked thoroughfare in a farming location. Applicant fenced off an unnamed road off thus triggering an unresolved dispute with second respondent. The second respondent approached the magistrate`s court at Marondera and obtained an order from first respondent directing applicant to restore free passage. More

On 9 March 2021 Never Nyakale, Lucia Nyakale and Portia Nyakale (plaintiffs) sued out a summons in case HC 69/21 against Wisdom Chitura and Helen Maureen Mushore (defendants) seeking a declaratory order that: the agreement between Mushore and Chitura be declared to be of no force and effect on the grounds that it was illegal and invalid; and that Chitura be evicted from the property known as U28 Mzilikazi, Bulawayo (“the disputed property”). More

The appellant was legally represented at the hearing of his appeal on 15 June 2023 against the judgement of the magistrates court, sitting at Harare on 14 November 2022 per Machingura Magistrate Esquire. The appeal succeeded albeit the success came by when the court exercised its review powers as provided in s 26 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06]. By letter dated 10 August 2023 the appellant requests for a “ruling” under case number CIV ‘A’ 403/22. More

This is an opposed chamber application for reinstatement of an appeal under case number SC 166/22. The application is brought consequent to the applicant’s failure to file his heads of argument within the prescribed time limits. More