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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This dispute involves a securities depository (“CDC”), a securities commission (“SECZ”), a stock exchange (“ZSE”) and the “Minister of Finance”. CDC seeks a review of a directive issued by SECZ on 15 October 2021 on the basis that SECZ (a) acted ultra vires the law and (b) failed to observe procedural fairness in issuing the directive . More

This is a court application in terms of section 52 of the Administration of Estates Act, Chapter 6:01 in which the applicant puts a challenge to the decision by the Master and seeks relief in the following terms: “1. The Master’s decision in terms of a letter dated 27 February 2015 to the effect that Glassalla Farm, Centenary is not a matrimonial property in terms of section 3A of the Deceased Estates Succession Act {Chapter 6:02} be and is hereby set aside. 2. Applicant be and is hereby declared to be the sole beneficiary of a certain piece of land... More

The common cause facts are that a vehicle, Isuzu KB single cab registration number DZT 234L with a venter box trailer registration number BKZ 2257L with temporary import permit reference number ZWBBPV17711 of 29.05.2022 issued in the name of a South African national, Mteki Zotha found its way across the border between two countries into Zimbabwe. The vehicle was in the custody and possession of the applicant. More

The applicant and the first respondent were at the material time parties to a long lease agreement. The applicant leased a plot known as Stand 554 Chirundu Township, measuring 198.5 hectares (“the property”) from the first respondent, for the purpose of carrying out the business of fish farming. The lease was set to lapse in 2054. The first respondent cancelled the lease in October 2016, alleging gross underutilisation of the property. More

This is an application for rescission of judgment. The applicant who appears in person is the daughter of the late Amos Bernard Muvengwa Midzi (deceased) who passed on in 2015 and whose estate is registered under DR 1467/15. The first respondent is deceased’s surviving spouse. She is a stepmother to the applicant. The second respondent was an executor of the estate of the deceased. The third respondent is cited in his official capacity responsible for administration of deceased estates. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Children’s Court for the Province of Mashonaland sitting at Harare. Appellant and respondent are married and their marriage was blessed with two minor children. On or about March 2022, appellant moved out of the matrimonial home with the children and did not disclose where she was relocating to. In May 2022 respondent wanted to take the children for interviews at Peter House School and approached the lower court for access which was granted. Respondent averred in the lower court that on being granted access to the children, he noticed that the... More

The 1st respondent is a former employee of the applicant. He was dismissed from the applicant’s employ following disciplinary proceedings. He was aggrieved by the dismissal. .He alleged that he had been unfairly dismissed and that the applicant had made some underpayments to him. The 1st respondent appealed against the dismissal to the ‘Exemption Committee’ and it ordered that he be reinstated without loss of salaries and benefits. The applicant on the other hand appealed to this Court against the decision to reinstate the 1st respondent. The appeal is still to be heard. Meanwhile the 1st respondent approached a designated... More