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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Appellant worked for Respondent as Hospital Administrator in Chipinge. He was dismissed from employment after being found guilty of misconduct by the disciplinary authority. He appealed but the appeals authority dismissed the appeal. Appellant then appealed to this Court in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. More

This Urgent Chamber Application seeks to stop the continuation of trial before the second respondent. The applicant was charged with three counts of criminal abuse of duty as a public officer as defined in section 174 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. He pleaded not guilty and the trial commenced with the leading of evidence from eight state witnesses. At the close of the state case the applicant applied for a discharge in terms of section 198 (3) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, Chapter 9:07, which application was dismissed by the second... More

1. This is an opposed application for quantification of damages in lieu of reinstatement. It is made after the employer has not reinstated the employee and there were no negotiations to settle the matter. It is one of those many cases where parties do not want to co-operate and resolve their issues out of court. More

On 30 March 2023 this Court issued an Ex Tempore decision dismissing Applicant’s application for rescission of the default judgment delivered by the Court sitting at Mutare Circuit Court. Applicant is dissatisfied with the dismissal of the application for rescission and intends to approach the Supreme Court. More

The applicant seeks a declaration of invalidity in respect of additional income tax assessments for the tax years ended 2019 and 2020. It also seeks another declaration of invalidity of the additional value added tax [VAT] assessments issued against it by the respondent for the period March 2019 to October 2021. It claims costs of suit on an attorney and client scale against the respondent. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant for specific performance. It sought payment of ZWL$ 28 140.03, interest at the prescribed rate plus costs of suit. In its declaration, the plaintiff averred that it entered into a contract for the provision of security guard services with the defendant for the period 1st of January to the 30th of September 2022. These services were to be provided at three of the defendant’s catchment areas. Payment for such services was to be made on a monthly basis upon furnishing of an invoice. The plaintiff’s invoices totalled ZWL$47 344. 619.61. Of this amount,... More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for rescission of a default judgment entered against the applicant. The detailed facts are as set out in the applicant’s founding affidavit and, because of the attitude that I have taken in this case, I do not wish to regurgitate them. Suffice it to say the key facts are briefly as follows: More