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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The facts of this matter can be summarised as follows. In 2012, the applicant was awarded a tender by the 2nd respondent for the design, configuration and commissioning of a pre-payment, vending and management system. This system is the one used in Zimbabwe for the electricity tokens for prepaid meters. The system was upgraded in April 2022. It came as a surprise to the applicant that the 2nd respondent decided to embark on a competitive bidding process to procure a similar platform as the current one in view of the upgrade. Such procurement is in breach of the PPDAA, which... More

This is an opposed court application seeking a declaratory order and other ancillary relief in the following terms: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The agreements of sale entered into by and between first respondent, second and third respondents on 8 September 2020 in respect of Plot No. 49, Halfway Farm, Kadoma and Plot No. 50, Halfway Farm, Kadoma be and are hereby declared null and void. 2. The second and third respondents and all those claiming occupation through them be and are hereby ordered to vacate Plot No. 49, Halfway Farm, Kadoma and Ploy No. 50, Halfway Farm, Kadoma within... More

1. This is an application for review of the respondent’s disciplinary process against the applicant. The applicant was charged of acts of misconduct. He was subjected to a hearing and was found guilty. A penalty of dismissal was imposed. He challenged the process for being irregular. More

This is an application for review. The applicant seeks an order that his suspension be set aside; that he should not be punished by either a reduction of rank or salary without being given an opportunity to be heard; and that if there are allegations against him a hearing de novo must be instituted. The application is opposed. More

This is a trial in which the plaintiff seeks specific performance of a contract of sale of a piece of immovable property. Essentially, she asks this court for an order compelling the first defendant to accept the balance of the purchase price, and to cede to her his title and rights in respect of Plot No. 44 Sabonabona Subdivision C, Kadoma (hereinafter called “Plot 44”). The genesis of this dispute is set out in the pleadings filed of record. Let me summarize the essential details. The plaintiff avers that, on 12 October 2018, she entered into an agreement of sale... More

Applicant is the testamentary executor of the estate late Vassilliki Divaris. The late Divaris owned 454,890 shares in respondent bank (“Tetrad”). On 28 June 2023, Tetrad published a notice of an extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”). The EGM was scheduled to take place on 20 July 2023. Its purpose being to procure shareholder approval to change the nature of the company`s business. Tetrad`s directors had resolved to surrender the bank`s licence and set sights on venturing into property and real estate. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant, claiming the following relief: a) “payment in the sum of US42 000.00 or its lawful Zimbabwean dollar equivalent. b) Interest thereon at 10% per month calculated from the date of Summons to date of full payment. c) Collection commission calculated in terms of the Law Society By Laws. d) An order that the rights held by Defendant in certain immovable property being Stand 22871 Ruwa Township of subdivision of Sebastol held under Deed of Transfer No 4138/20 be declared executable. e) Costs of suit on an attorney –client scale.” More