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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Applicant applied to this Court for condonation of a belated appeal in terms of Rule 22 of the Labour Court Rules S.I. 150/17. Respondents opposed the application. I shall deal with the application under 2 subtitles. More

In this urgent chamber application, the parties filed heads of argument after the applicant was granted leave to file an answering affidavit and did so. The parties thereafter mutually agreed that I determine the application on the basis of the filed papers and heads of argument without convening a formal hearing. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court, (“the court a quo”) handed down on 6 October 2022. The court a quo dismissed the appellant’s appeal against refusal of summary judgment by the Magistrates’ More

This matter came as an Urgent Chamber Application for stay of execution. The genesis of the matter can be traced back to an HC 2887/05 order granted by GUVAVA J (as she then was) and an HH 458/19 order granted by FOROMA J. The first applicant is a company, in this matter represented by its general manager by virtue of a resolution attached as Annexure “A”. The company develops and sells residential stands. The second applicant is a male adult associated with first applicant. First respondent is an association of residents of Knowe. Second respondent was a chairman of first... More

On 12 October 2023 we delivered an ex tempore judgment dismissing the appellant’s appeal and upholding the respondent’s cross appeal with costs. The following are the full reasons informing that decision. We supply them at the instance of the appellant who has since made a written request for the same. More

The applicant is Edson Dylka E Neurice Limitada a peregrine company domiciled and incorporated in Mozambique. It is in the business of transporting goods within and across neighbouring countries including Zimbabwe. The respondent is Zimbabwe Revenue Authority statutory corporate body established under the Revenue Authority Act, [Chapter 23:11]. The respondent inter-alia is responsible for revenue collection on behalf of Government and is also the regulatory authority for the exportation and importation of goods at the country’s borders. The respondent also administers and enforces the Customs and Exercise Act, [Chapter 23:02] (“the Act”). More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 13 January 2021 under judgment No. HH 25-21. The court a quo dismissed the appellants’ claims in HC 7760/18 and HC 7843/18, which had been consolidated, upon finding that the appellants had no locus standi in judicio to seek the cancellation of two agreements of sale viz; one between Village Inn (Pvt) Ltd and Tatipano Properties (Pvt ) Ltd and the other between Folay Investments (Pvt)Ltd and Paradise Road (Pvt) Ltd. More